cozy night no more | makoto x you

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You heard someone quietly grumbling incoherent words that you cannot understand while you were studying late at 2 am for exams.

Shifting your exhausted gaze at the source of the sound that made your senses crawl back to life after studying countless hours, your breath hitched at the sight of the man's face. You tried not to laugh.

Oh boy, you wouldn't want to let this get past by.

See, you were a heavy sleeper. You have no knowledge about your boyfriend having the ability to sleep talk – until a few seconds ago.

"[F-F/N], d-don't come near the ocean..." Makoto shrieks in his slumber, his grip on the pillows tightening as he moves up his legs towards his chest, his back bending forward. His face was scrunched up in panic and anxiety, making you a bit worried.

Instead of comforting him, you decided to grab the camera and record him – leaving your unfinished business alone on the desk.

"W-Wait, [F/N]... W-What are you doing? Don't push me! HARU!" The verdant-haired man was literally squirming on the sheets, drops of sweat descending his temple. Poor guy suffering from his fear of oceans.

From the sound of it, it seemed that you were pushing him to the ocean and calling for dear Haru for help.

"Nagisa's Iwatobi Bread...?"

You stifled a giggle but eventually released it, the camera recording both your laugh and Makoto's sleep talking. You presumed the dream turned into a different direction. Like, a really random direction.

"Haru, a giant mackerel just splashed out of the ocean! Is this even normal?" His face crinkles up in uneasiness while maintaining his sleeping face.

You bursted out laughing and held the camera by one hand, the other resting over your stomach. As soon as you realized what you did, you immediately covered your mouth. You don't want to wake him up and end this soon yet.

The next morning, Makoto wakes up to find you not around. The memory from last night before he went into his deep slumber was blurry because of the peculiar dreams he had. He eventually remembers that you were studying.

He glances at the table you were working on and found it empty and clean. You must've had already went to school. His gaze moves to the wall clock and it read 9 AM.

He rubs his eyes and realizes he should go shower soon as he felt his face dry from sweat - until a camera caught his eye.

Makoto grabs it from the study desk, examining it carefully before opening it. He had seen this before in your room and he wondered why you hadn't used it yet with him.

One recent recording flashed upon the screen, piquing his curiosity even more. He presses the play button.

"—d-don't come near the ocean..."

His eyes went big, what he's watching right now was rendering him speechless. Was this last night? He thought, an enormous, deep blush rising up to his whole face.

The screen showcases his worried face. It was not zoomed in on his face too much but it was enough to make him want to dig up a hole and trap himself in the darkness out of sheer embarrassment.

Ever since that incident with the ocean and he developed his fear of it, his dreams started to get weird and dark and random - but most of the time, they were so bizzare random. He was unaware that this caused the habit of sleep talking – hell, he was clueless that he was able to do that. The reason makes sense to him, anyway.

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