12:00 | nitori x you

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"[First Name]-chan's birthday is coming near.. What gift should I give to her?" The grey-haired, young man asked to himself while sitting alone of his room.

"She likes [Favorite Animal].. Should I buy a stuff toy of it? No, it would be childish. But girls like recieving those, right? How about a teddy bear? Gah, it's too cliché!"

Nitori banged his head on his desk, his mind is completely out of ideas at the moment.

"Maybe I should call her so I could know what to give to her..?" And so, he grabbed his phone and started dialling your number.

Ring, ring, ring.

"Moshi moshi?" He perked up once he heard his lover's angelic voice that can lure him to sleep any moment.

"A-Ah, [First Name]-chan!" He said. "H-How are you? U-Uhm, you see.. I have a question. Uh - what things do you like?"

A gulp was heard through the call, and it obviously came from your clumsy boyfriend.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm good! - Wait, why are you asking this? But you know a lot of it, don't you?" You asked through the phone, balancing it on your shoulder while cooking something.

"W-What?" He stuttered, unsure what to say after. I know a lot of it..? Like what? Argh! I'm having mental block right now!

It's always you who gives the best birthday gifts ever to the significant other - aka him, Nitori Aiichirou.You gave him what he needs the most and what he wants the most (besides you yourself), but only where you can buy them with what you got. And now, he wants to return the favor - but he needs to do in a cooler way - as thought by himself. However, nothing has been going through that mind of his at the moment.

He's been your boyfriend for almost 2 years, yet he still doesn't know what your interests are?

Okay, Nitori. Just calm down, and think. Think!

"N-Nevermind, [First Name]-chan! I-It's nice talking to you even in a short period of time. Love you! B-Bye!" Nitori backed his phone away and pressed the end call button, and the last thing he heard from you was his name being called.

He sighed and gripped his tresses in frustration. "Ideas.. Ideas.."

Then, a bright plan came real quick in his mind.

"Geez, Ai. Hurry up – I still have a swimming competition this afternoon." His senior, Rin, ran his hand across his face, bored expression on his face while waiting for Nitori to pick the best birthday gift suited for his girlfriend.

Fingers rubbing his chin, he examined each of the displayed, luxury jewelries inside the glass. "Rin-senpai, is this good?"

Said male actually took time to glance over at where he was pointing at. "If you think she'll love it, then hurry up and buy it already." He said with a small groan.

After a few seconds of staring at the chosen one, Nitori beamed a smile and stood up straight, calling  the attention of the saleslady to come and tell him about the price.

"Rin-senpai! Can we go to the bookstore? It's the last destination, I promise!" Nitori whined at Rin, who was feeling more annoyed than ever – but he manages to fake smile at him and agree. Because that's what "friends" are for, right?

Once they entered the bookstore, Nitori immediately searched for the materials he needed.

Different colors of cartolina and markers and other extra supplies necessary are all held by the busy arms of the pair, as they rushed to the cashier and payed them all, some of Rin's balance used – and Nitori is really thankful for that.

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