the morning that went wrong | haru x you + ot4

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An AU where Iwatobi High has a dorm.

ot4 = haru, makoto, nagisa & rei

Living with your childhood friends has been one of your dreams when you were young.

Haruka, Makoto, and Nagisa lived in your neighborhood since you were kids. Once you and Nagisa found out that the high school you all enrolled in has its own dormitory, the both of you were too eager and excited to live there, thus convincing the two boys to join in as well.

One was added to the party - who was the new kid on the block, Rei Ryugazaki.

And now, you are living in a room of four men.

There were only four bedrooms each dorm. Nagisa and Rei decided to share one of the rooms to avoid the one and only girl getting into an awkward situation.

It was no big deal to you. You were comfortable with them enough to lie around the house using any position you like, whether it be sprawling across the couch lazily or picking your nose anywhere you like (if you ever like to do that). The need to be all ladylike, such as to sit upright or closing your legs shut, will never cross your mind.

There was a problem, though.

You and Haru began dating.

In secret.

Haru never wanted to alert everyone. Same goes for you.

So you had to be subtle every now and then when you're around Haru and the others.

Who knows what would happen if the news spread out like wildfire at the dorm? Worse even, Nagisa's awful at keeping his mouth shut. Very awful.

The teasing would be endless if they ever found it out.

Now, to tell the present story...

One fine evening, Haru decided to take advantage while the others are gone.

Makoto and Nagisa went to pay their families a visit, while Rei headed to his newfound, professional swimming coach to further improve his butterfly stroke.

And to convince them that you were fine with being left alone with Haru was a little difficult. They didn't want the two of you to sulk around, doing nothing. Makoto had suggested you to go to the park with Haru, implying it to be a friendly date - to which you politely declined as you like to stay in the house with him more.  You had assured them that it was completely okay before they bid farewell and left.

Haru and you are good friends, even before the dating. You treasure each other a lot.

Haru pulls you inside his room, locking the door.

He hastily pushes you on the bed, catching you off guard.

A blush spreads on your cheeks and you look at your boyfriend, wide-eyed. "H-Haru, are you in the mood?"

The mentioned man turns to you, that familiar glint present in those icy blue orbs. He climbs on the bed and tops you, his eyes never leaving yours.

Your blush deepens as you realize what was happening, you squirming beneath him anxiously. "T-They could come back any time, you know? Especially Rei!"

Haru stops staring at you and looks at the side, thinking about it.

He then sets his mind on one, particular goal.

He's gonna do you all night.

"I don't care," he mumbles, reaching down to your face.

His breath tickles your skin as he inches closer to your lips.

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