little thief | rin x child!you

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There was a little girl named [Name] who lost her parents in a car accident two years ago.

She was heading towards the cemetery by herself, not needing someone to accompany her, since she was doing this every two weeks (due to nursery school) and got used to it. Even though she was only 6 years old, she can pretty much handle herself already.

She wasn't living alone though, as it would be impossible for a child to live on his/her own. Let's just say that there was a caretaker that her parents hired before they went gone.

Whenever she visits her parents, she always picks flowers somewhere, and place them on their grave.

She passed by the place where she takes the flowers and stops in front of them. She grabs random flowers from their bouquets and sniffed them first, before smiling to herself and continued her journey to her parents.

Little did she know, she was actually stealing flowers outside a flower shop.

Another two weeks had passed and [Name] already went outside the door.

Going to the cemetery again and not forgetting to give her parents flowers, she stops by in front of the flower shop which she was completely unaware of it being a flower shop where flowers are sold, [Name] grabbed another yet a bundle of colorful flowers in her hands.

She sniffs them gently again and smiles while clutching them tightly. She hums a nursery tune and began striding to the cemetery's direction until she heard the sound of a soft bell coming from the store ringing, which made her halt.

"Oy, oy, oy! Kiddo!" She hears a sharp and husky voice and turns around, a red-headed, tall guy hovering over her with his arms resting on his hips. His scary, keen eyes were glaring at her. Oh boy. What the hell did the child even do?

"I saw you steal those." He glances over flowers you were holding tightly in fear.

"S-Steal?" The little girl stuttered and looked down at the flowers, then at the man again. She looks so confused and dense. "W-What's that?"

The guy's eyebrow twitched and pointed at the flowers. "You took those without permission or even buying them; that is stealing." He informs, though he was still a bit mad.

[Name] was just staring at those teeth of his when he speaks, though. She wasn't listening—and she wants to touch them. "Why do you have shark-like teeth?" She bluntly asks.

The man seemed a bit caught off guard, but he doesn't move. His teeth were already used to being complimented like that by everyone. He raises a brow and looked down at the small child. Then a really bright idea came into his mind.

The corner of his lips curled upwards into a mischievous smirk. "Because," he bends down to her level, leaning in closer to the child's ear and whispers, "I'm secretly a shark and I will eat you if you don't return those flowers."

[Name] didn't move on her spot as she only continued to stare at the 'shark'. She tilts her head a little, her eyebrow raising. "If you're really a shark, mister, why don't you have those cute little fins?" The kid crosses her arms and examined his tall frame, searching for any animalistic features. "And your skin must be grey!"

This kid is too serious than I thought she would be. The guy thought, his eye twitching. He sighed and stood up, scratching his head. "Tch, just hand me those already." He reaches out his hand and motioned her to give him the flowers.

The small, petite girl clutched them tighter to her chest, as if protecting them from any thieves—even though she is the thief herself. "No! These are for mama and papa! I'll never give them to anyone!" She glares at him and frowns.

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