isolated | haru x you [LEMON]

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The boys were done taking a shower after taking lots of relay practices for their next prefectural tournament, except for one particular person. That was Haru, who was still soaking under the shower head inside one of the cubicles of the men's shower room.

Makoto looks down at his watch, then up to the sky. He steps into the bathroom and knocks on the door softly to signify his presence. "Haru, are you almost done? it's getting pretty late."

There was no response, but only the sound of water droplets hitting the floor was heard. Makoto frowns at the silent treatment his friend was giving him. It was a special trait of his anyway. "I'll wait for you outside, then."

"Haru-chan!" The voice of a cheerful, young man echoes outside. "We're leaving now! Mako-chan, are you going to wait for him?" The mentioned name turns to Nagisa, scratching his head. "Yeah, you guys take care on your way home, alright?"

"You too, Makoto-senpai!" Gou and Rei replied. "See ya tomorrow!" The three of them bid farewell to the remaining two people in the swimming area.

The olive-haired swimmer looks at the person left with him and Haru with a quizzical look. "Y/N, you still not going home yet?"

You looked at him from the distance and walked up to him. "Nah, I'll stay for a little longer. I need to check if everything's clear before I can leave." Makoto had a look of disapproval, his eyes narrowed at you out of concern. "No, we're not going to leave you all alone here. You should go home before it gets dark, Y/N. I can take everything from here." He smiles at you reassuringly.

"I-I understand, Makoto; but, I can't. It's my duty as an assistant manager to make sure the swimming area is clean and no valuables are left behind." You reasoned out, waving your hands to tell him it was okay to leave you alone. You tiptoe and peeked behind him, seeing a glimpse of the entrance to the shower room. "Is Haru still there?" You then looked up at Makoto, returning back to your stance.

He glances back at where you peeked and scratched his head. "Yeah, he's seemingly taking longer than usual. I guess he got too exhausted from practicing."

"Oh," You mumble and forgot you were supposed to bring Haru a towel. Realizing the towel was lying on your arm, you gave it to Makoto. "C-Can you bring this towel to him?"

Makoto nods and takes it. As he walks towards the bathroom, you sat on a bench just outside the bathrooms and gazed at the transparent, azure pool.

"Haru, Y/N asked me to bring your towel over," Makoto informs as he ambled in the room. He places the towel down on one of the benches and sat. "It's right on the bench, Haru." Again, there was no response from the stoic person. Makoto slouches and heaves a sigh, the thought of leaving their assistant manager alone late at school never disappeared from his mind. "Hey, Haru." He speaks, though he doesn't require any reply. "Y/N said she'll stay here until everything's fine before she can go home. I can't let her be left alone like this, it's almost 6 pm. Haru, we need to stay as well until she leaves!"

The sound of water splashing resonated across the shower room until another voice was heard. "You should go home already, Makoto. I might stay here for a little bit longer." Haru finally spoke up, causing Makoto to hear the exact words Y/N had said to him earlier.

Makoto tries to not think of any bad scenarios happening between the two once they are left alone together. "But Haru, I'm waiting for you to get finished. A-And what about Y/N?" he exclaims.

"Makoto, I can go home by myself, as well as Y/N. Isn't it Ran's birthday today?" Haru replies with no emotions laced in his response.

Makoto whines at this and stands up. "Fine, fine, I'll go home already! Geez..." He marches towards the exit while grumbling something under his breath. Before he can completely leave, he turns around and glares at his friend's cubicle. "You two better not stay late!"

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