future | nagisa x child!you

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The blonde, young man peeked down the outside of his window, staring at the tiny, cuddly toddler who was playing outdoors under the warm, sunny weather.

"Onee-chan, is she a new neighbor?" Nagisa blurted out, resting his elbow on the windowsill, his palm holding his cheek.

"Hm?" His older sister hummed, and also peeked from behind his shoulder. She rubbed her chin, examining the toddler's features carefully. "Looks like it.. I don't see any babies around here except for you," Nagisa scrunched his nose and pouted at his sister's words, receiving himself a hysterical laugh from the older woman.

"Well, you can go play with her if you want, Nagisa. No one's going to hold you back from your childish plays, anyway." She released a teasing giggle from her mouth, and left him alone in the room.

The cheerful, young male sighed, irritated by his sister's harsh teases. But he still kept his gaze locked on your little figure, who's playing with a ball outside on the fresh grass.

Nagisa thought the idea from his prankster sibling was actually brilliant, and he was already making his way out towards the young girl outside.

"Oy!" The cheerful man saw the child flinched as he called, and turned around to look at whoever the dangerous intruder is-and the one who disturbed her first fun time outside their new house.

"..." And at that moment, Nagisa stared at the young girl, and she stared at him back in bewilderment.

"Uhh.. Hi?" Nagisa grinned ear to ear, and walked closer to the toddler. He bent down to her level and waved in front of her. "I'm Nagisa, what's your name?"

[E/c] eyes still met with his, the curiosity obvious on them. "...[First Name]."

"Aha, what a cute name!" The breaststroke swimmer giggled, holding his cheeks at the fluffiness of the child. He then shifted his gaze from her to the ball she's holding firmly. He gaped at it for a few minutes and an idea came right into his mind. He looked around their surroundings and noticed they were the only people in the yard. Nagisa turned his eyes again to the girl. "Hey, it's not considered 'fun' if you're playing with no one,"

Nagisa grabbed the object from hers and stood up, throwing it in the air and catching it afterwards. The tot was staring up at him with wide eyes. She tried to reach for the ball with her tiny arms, even tiptoeing until she's almost out of balance. "Hey, g-give it back!"

The boy stopped playing with the thing, and glanced down at her. He widened his eyes a half, as he lowered the ball down. He let out a pathetic laugh, and responded to her order. "S-Sorry, here."

[First Name] slightly narrowed here eyes at him out of suspicion, and hesitantly took the ball from his hands. Nagisa sighed, pouting at the child in front of him. "Come on, let's play together!" That was what he meant to do with her, anyway. But she didn't comply.

She crossed her arms instead, turning her face away from him, nose scrunched up in a grumpy manner. She, deep inside, actually wanted him to plead for her until she's fully convinced by him.

The blonde knew what she was planning just from her features, so he grabbed the ball again from her and of course, expecting her to react immediately, he raised the thing up so she wouldn't try reaching it again.

"O-Oy, N-Nagisa-kun!" Said male halted his actions, and looked down to the source of the voice. Did she just call him by his name for the first time? And with an honorific, too. He was utterly flattered and feeling all giggly inside by it. If it weren't for his given name by the child, he wouldn't be squealing inside right now.

Nagisa beamed down at her, and ran to a distance from her. He readied his position, motioning for [First Name] to catch the ball. "You gotta catch this, or else I won't give you.. an Iwatobi-chan!" The girl widened her eyes at the key chain the young man she just met was holding. She had no clue what that is, but it's cute, and she wanted it.

He smirked and twirled their mascot key chain around, and stuffed it inside his pocket. He didn't even know why it was inside it. "Now, let's start.."


After what it felt like hours, the only people outside of the neighborhood finally finished their playing time. It was really fun, according to the two children (the other just acts like one).

At first, [First Name] didn't get to catch the ball, but she convinced the young man to give her a second chance. And so, he did. But she didn't comply to his order again. After a few more attempts, leading them to waste minutes, she finally seized the ball and Nagisa eventually gave her the silly mascot key chain.

Nagisa thought that they became very close to each other and, they've got to know each of other's personality as they played. He also noticed that the juvenile girl was opening up to him.

The two were now sitting down on the plain grass, staring at the distance. The atmosphere around them were quiet, and peaceful. Until the child's playmate and new-found friend spoke. He was sitting with his arms in the back, supporting his balance. Nagisa looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drift from place to place. "[First Name]-chan,"

Said name moved just by her name being called, and she glanced at him. "..Yes?" She asked, gripping the key chain tightly in her hand. She would treasure it-even if she grows up. She was sure of that.

Nagisa still gazed at the blue blanket with fluffy, white cottons. "..What would you like to be when you grow up? You know, I want to be an astronaut, or a penguin caretaker! But if I'm considering what I'm doing at this age, I would like to be an olympic swimmer-as long as I will swim together with my friends."

Grinning broadly at the child, whose eyes were full of doubts and thoughts, he waited for her to answer, but instead, she said, "..Is there even a penguin caretaker, Nagisa-kun?"

He stopped his doing, realizing that there might be no job as a penguin caretaker. "..Eh, really?" Nagisa sheepishly laughed at her, scratching the back of his head. "Anything that has to do with penguins.. that's all!" He corrected, which made the young girl giggle at his slight stupidity. "Forget about that! Answer me, [First Name]-chan."

Thinking of what her dreams are for the future, she opened her small mouth. "..I don't know, Nagisa-kun. I.."

She paused, causing Nagisa to lean forward and listen carefully to what she will say next. "..I think I just want to stay with you when I grow up."

Nagisa Hazuki didn't expect that. He was expecting that she was going to mention different types of job, but this.. this made his heart skip a bit, and a blush was visible on his cheeks.

"A-Ah, [First Name]-chan... I didn't really expect you to say that, but.." He scratched his head once again, and smiled down at her warmly. "..will you promise me that?"

"O-Of course!" [First Name] showed him the so-called "Iwatobi-chan" key chain, making it dangle around. "..And also this. I will keep this forever in remembrance of you, whenever we don't meet each other, if that ever happens."

Nagisa was touched by her words that seemed to replay on his mind for a few times. He ruffled her [h/c] hair, moving closer to her. He lifted her up and placed her in his lap much to her surprise.  He stared at those mesmerizing [e/c] orbs. [First Name] blushed at the sudden contact, and at the peering eyes on her. "..Thank you, [First Name]-chan."

She smiled back, and the next words that came out of his mouth caught her off guard.

"..Would you also promise me to become my wife in the future?" 

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