company | kisumi x you

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Your pink-haired childhood friend has returned to Iwatobi High School as a third year student. Not only that, but he has also joined the basketball team in which you, Haru, and the others fully supported him by attending basketball matches to cheer him on.

Unfortunately, a foul accident happened at a game two days ago, resulting in him having a back injury, leaving him temporarily paralyzed.

You watched as Kisumi peacefully sleeps, his rhythmic breathing making his shoulders rise and fall along. It wasn't long until a nurse comes in to bring his daily supplements and food.

It was afternoon, and your dear friend has been in here ever since the accident happened. You on the other hand are his company - their mother lives abroad and you, being the closest and oldest friend to him, were the only suitable person left to take care of him. The school had allowed you to not attend classes until Kisumi gets better, much to your relief.

Later at 4pm, Hayato, Kisumi's younger brother, along with Haru and the swimming gang, will pay a visit. They always visit at 4 pm after the classes end.

You hear soft grumbling noises beside you and you look up at the awakened male. You smile and stood up, taking his hand in yours. "How are you feeling?"

Kisumi takes a moment to adjust his eyesight at you. "[F/N]?" He tries to sit up but yelps in pain in the process.

You panic in return and tried to make him lie down. "K-Kisumi, don't sit up yet! Your back's still hurting!"

He whines in protest like a child and frowns. "[F/N], I'm not a kid..." his purple eyes shot at you, making you sigh. "Are you stupid? Your back is injured and you can't force yourself to move if it hurts too much!"

The pink-haired male thought for a moment and decided to give up. He lies down and looks up at you with wonder. "Do you ever go home?" You blinked. "What?"

"You've been staying in here for two days now... The nurses can take care of me, you know."

You shake your head. "The school permitted me to be your company until you get better."

Kisumi looks down at his hand you've taken, causing a flare of pink dust on his cheeks. He averts his gaze somewhere, not wanting to get caught looking at your hands. "Is that so? I'm worrying you too much, aren't I?"

You stare at him and gripped his hand a little tight. "It's not your fault to begin with, Kisumi. That bastard crashed against you intentionally." You gritted your teeth as you remembered the incident. "It was only a coincidence that we ran into each other." Your friend told that a couple of times now, and you wonder why he keeps defending that player instead of himself. "I saw it with my own eyes, Kisumi. Don't defend him."

He lets out a heavy sigh, not wanting to bring up a fight with you. Since childhood, he knows how his fights with you usually end.  "Whatever you say, [F/N]."

After Haruka and the others visited Kisumi (with Haru reassuring him that they will always bring Hayato home), it was time for the pink-haired man to have another medical examination.

The nurses guided your friend to his wheelchair and you immediately helped them, much to Kisumi's annoyance.

You pushed Kisumi's wheelchair while striding down the hallways to his doctor's room until the two of you arrived.

While he was getting the examination, you were waiting outside of the room. Once you heard there was silence inside, a voice came. "Miss [F/N], could you come here for a second, please?" You stood up from the chair and walked inside the examination room. Kisumi has returned to his wheelchair and the doctor waits for you to come closer. "What is it, Dr. Kirishino?"

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