frostbite kiss | sousuke x you

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Ding dong~

The sound of the doorbell came ringing in your ears, causing you to perk up and remove yourself from the chair that you've been sitting on for the past, few minutes.

You finished the final retouches on your petite countenance as you patted the blush on your cheeks for the last time.

Wanting not to let your tall, muscular boyfriend wait any longer, you hastily went out of your room and to the downstairs.

Taking in a deep breath, you smiled and opened the door, revealing a rather heavy-clothed Sousuke Yamazaki.

"[First Name]," He inhaled, taking a moment to look at you.

You were wearing a large, pale [Favorite Color] sweater, a black skirt with stockings beneath, and sneakers.

And of course, a fascinating scarf around your neck to provide more warmth.

Your smile widens. It's you and Sousuke's second, memorable date you two had planned from the past few days.

It was perfect — coincidentally because the season starting for today is winter, based on the clothes you both were wearing now.

"You look captivating, [First Name]." The black-haired male complimented, his hand reaching up to caress your cheek.

Blushing, you gave him a grateful smile instead, holding his hand in yours. "Let's go,"

You and Sousuke walked along the snowy pavements at the sidewalk, hand in hand, providing more heat between the two of you, each step making a 'crunch' sound on the snow.

However, your teeth and whole body were completely shivering, making you hug yourself.

Sousuke looked down at you and chuckled, a fog escaping his mouth.

He placed his arm over your shoulder and brought you closer to his muscular body, so that he could protect you from the coldness of the weather today.

"Thanks, Sousuke-kun." You muttered, snuggling to his side.

"Don't worry about it. And, you looked really cute when you were quivering." He teased.

You puffed out your cheeks in annoyance, but you still love him and his sometimes silly antics.

After strolling at the park and window-shopping at nearby stores much to your desire, the two of you were on your way back to your house.

Sousuke gripped your neutral-colored hand tightly.

You stopped on your tracks as you turned around to take a good look at the scenery at the distance.

The moon was emitting off its beautiful light, making the city look astonishing. There were city lights and all whatnots, but nothing can beat the snow dripping down from the clouds.

"Beautiful.. isn't it?" You muttered, feeling yourself breathless at the moment by the view in front.

"Mhm." He hummed back.

He whispers out your name, and before you could turn around, you felt a peck on your cheek out of nowhere.

Sousuke pulled away, a cheeky grin pulling out from his lips.

You blushed, feeling your heart beat pound against your chest.

Slowly lifting up your scarf to your nose to cover your reddened cheeks, you were still too shy whenever he gives you tender kisses — even if it's put on your cheek.

Sousuke released a low chuckle, ruffling your hair. "You're too damn cute, [First Name]."


next: a lemon with one of the guys ;-)

btw, this is just a short drabble - meaning, it's just really short.

sorry if i've been a slowpoke in updating. school's keeping me busy lately.. ;w; my deepest apologies.

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