tenshi | nagisa x you

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[Name] and the cheerful blonde decided to go on a date to a fancy restaurant, but mostly it was the boy who invited her.

The doorbell to the girl's apartment rings, much to her disappointment. She strides towards the door and opens it, revealing Nagisa in a tux. "Good evening, m'lady!" He beams as he shoots her one of his big, joyful smiles that was one of the many reasons why the girl fell in love with him in the first place and mimics the gesture of the men greeting a woman in the old-fashioned way.

The girl stares down at him from head to toe, completely mesmerized by his look and attire. "I never saw him dress like this before, but he looks so handsome and dazzling!"

His hair was slicked back, not in the natural, usual and fluffy style he wears every day. His black tuxedo was neat and shimmering through the moonlight. What gave it all away was his smile that never, ever goes away. The reason why is because of the girl in front of him.

Noticing his girl was staring at his form, he releases a chuckle that made the girl return back to her senses. "Am I too hot right now, or should I change to my speedo to deepen that blush more?"

[Name]'s cheeks burned instantly at his tease as she hears him laughing. She glares at him and forgot that she wasn't at least half percent ready for their night yet, causing her eyes to widen and become more embarrassed. "I-I just got out of the shower, Nagisa! Why did you come so early? You come here by 6:30, not an hour behind!" She exclaims and tries to close the door enough to hide her body, even though she was fully clothed in her pajamas. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel, becoming one of the reasons to be insecure of her look right now.

He tilts his head in confusion and resists [Name] for closing the door. "[Name]-chan, you still look beautiful no matter what you're wearing!" His smile widens, his compliment making the girl stop closing the barrier between them. "And I can grab the chance of watching you dress, too!"

The girl's cheeks flare up, not expecting that ludicrous, out-of-character statement blurting out of the boy's mouth. "A-And here I thought you're just as innocent as you look..."

Nagisa chuckles and widens the door for him to reveal her more. "Please, just let me stay in the living room!"

[Name] sighs at his protest and gave in, opening the door wide enough for him to enter and immediately closed it.

He sits on the couch with a big grin stretching across his child-like features to express his success in entering the household of hers.

She quickly removes her towel from her head to avoid looking stupid in front of him. After she was done untangling her strands of damp hair with her fingers, she crosses her arms and looks at her boyfriend with a questioning look. "You still haven't answered my question yet, Nagisa." He stares at her and simply gave her a smile. "It's 'cause I've been too excited to have our date, so I didn't notice the time when I was... dressing myself up." He sheepishly scratched his head and looks away. "At what time did actually you start prepping yourself up?" The girl asks in reply before the blonde ponders over the question, replaying the today scenarios all over his head. "Uhh, at around... 4:00?"

[Name] widens her eyes. "That early? Damn, did you do that dandy look all by yourself?" She chuckles as she stares at his handsome form again, clearly impressed by the boy who worked himself up just for a single night. Nagisa contemplates on this. "Uhh–y-yes! I did..." He says to impress her, but 60% of the work was done by the help of his mother.

The girl doubts him for a second before shrugging. "Well, I gotta admit, you look way fancier compared to my haggard self at the moment so I need to get dressed, like, for real. Watch TV, do anything you want BUT peek in my room, okay?" She says all at once before rushing to her room and gives him one, last glance. "Okay!" He grins as he salutes like a child.

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