childhood photos | rei x you

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You arrived at your boyfriend's house, knocking on his wooden door.

Knowing that your boyfriend is a genius and a "Mr. Smartypants", you and the latter had planned for today to have a studying session since the first quarter exams will arrive soon, and you wanted to be prepared for it.

As you were standing by outside of his house patiently, the door finally opened, revealing a familiar blue-haired lady in front of you.

"Ah, [First Name]-chan! Glad to see you come back again. Rei-chan told me that you'll be coming over tonight for a study session, or maybe even more..?" She chuckled, as her statement caused your face turn into a hot mess.

"N-No, w-we're just going to study, that's all there is!" You defended yourself by stuttering embarrassingly.

Footsteps were heard on the wooden floor from behind his mother. "Okaa-san!"

She turned around as you saw a glimpse of a shirtless Rei Ryugazaki, with a bath towel hanging on his shoulder.

Three words that you'll be describing him right now: hot, perfection, and beautiful.

You instantly covered your face that's tinted with a now deepened red tint by slapping your hands directly into your eyes.

"Oh, Rei-chan! I was just talking to [First Name]-chan—"

"Okaa-san, I will handle her while you do your chores. A-And would you stop calling me 'Rei-chan'?!" He facepalmed, feeling uneasy at how his mother calls him that in front of you.

The matriarch teasingly laughs at her son. She patted his shoulder and smiled. "Okay, okay. Please take care of her, alright?"

Without bothering to turn around to you again, she walked off to the kitchen.

Rei let out a sigh, and looked at you. He slightly widened his eyes at your image, wondering why you were covering your look.

"[First Name]-chan..?" He walked towards you closer and tried to peel your hands away from your face, but you still glued them to you.

"C-Can you stop being so hot and just put a freaking tshirt on?!" You blurted out without thinking twice.

You immediately regretted what you had said. Bursting out whatever's going inside of your mind is a habit of yours that you didn't very like.

Now it's his turn for him to blush.

The butterfly-stroke swimmer slowly loosened his grip on you, and glanced down at his exposed upper half.

A proud smirk was crawling up to his lips. He was praising himself inside of his mind abruptly for the good work he's put on his body. All the workouts have been paid for a reward — a compliment from you. Yes, even such a small remark was enough for him to go gaga all over it.

"B-But I was about to go take a shower — until my mom heard a knock on the door! W-Well, I also heard it.. but I chose to ignore it!" Rei protested, the smirk no longer placed on his mouth.

You ignored him and he sighs, adjusting his glasses as a shiver ran down on his spine. "[First Name]-chan.. Can you please go in now? I-I might catch a cold.."

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