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It never happened. Instead, the weight baring down on Frisk's chest was lifted off and they heard a new voice.

"Gloom! What are you doing to this human?!" An angry, deeper voice shouted.

Frisk opened their eyes looking at where the new voice was coming from. It was a very tall skeleton wearing a beanie, a large hoodie, and ripped sweatpants. They seemed to be enraged and their eyes were glowing a bright blue color. One of their hands were balled into a fist and they seemed to be holding something and glaring fiercely at whatever it was. Frisk followed the large skeleton's gaze and saw Gloom on the end of it.

Gloom was being held, similar to how she had held Frisk up only minutes before. The axe was gone and Gloom had a tense look on her face, which was strange since she looked so smug not long ago.

"Ah, just playing a little game with them bro, I mean, hey, they are the ones that challenged first." Gloom chuckled while shrugging in a playful manner.

"I know you better than that Gloom," The tall skeleton growled under his breath. "You can't pull that shit on me, you take everything that anyone does as a fucking, "challenge"," the skeleton did air quotes with his free hand while rolling his eyes, annoyed.

"Hey! That's not true! They thought they could beat me so I decided to prove them wrong, besides, I made it fair, I gave them a weapon for fucks sake!" Gloom shouted at her brother while crossing her arms like a stubborn child.

"Ya. Sure. You made it fair. You basically gave them a pocket knife for a gun fight," the skeleton looked at his sister angrily.

Gloom tried to hide the smirk on her face as she shrugged, "Come on Grim, you know I wouldn't do thatttt, I mean, they would have been 'boned' if I did that, fight would have been a real 'back breaker', though, it would be 'humorous' to me to be honest." Gloom winked at her brother who groaned at her puns.

"Whatever, at least I got here in time," Grim released the fist which dropped Gloom. She lit lightly on her feet while chuckling and lighting herself a new cigarette.

"I'm sorry young one, I shouldn't have let her out of my sight," Grim shot another angry look at Gloom who just put her hands up in mock surrender while grinning. "I'm glad I got here before things got worse though," Grim outstretched a hand to Frisk who had pushed themself into a sitting position.

Frisk looked up at Grim, who wore a gentle smile on his long boney face, then back at Gloom, who had pulled her phone and was now distracted by it and was bobbing her head to her music. Frisk looked back at Grim before carefully taking his hand. Frisk was quickly pulled up by the large skeleton.

"There we are, lemme check you to see how you're doing," Grim looked at Frisk gently while twitching one of his hands a bit. Frisk saw a red light below them and looked down. A red heart that floated in front of their chest. Grim's face fell into a pained look as they looked at the heart. "You nearly killed them Gloom, they're at one HP," Grim turned to his sister who glanced over and looked at the red heart with disinterest.

"Ya? So what? They're still alive right? I don't see a problem with it," Gloom shrugged as she smirked a little at Grim who turned away with a look of disgust.

Grim reached in his hoodie pocket and after digging around a little, pulled out what looked like an energy bar and held it out to Frisk. "Here, it's not much, but it should help at least a little bit,".

Frisk looked at the tall skeleton. I think I can trust him. Frisk took the energy bar and carefully opened it and took a bite. It was a bit hard, but tasted like coffee. It was good. Frisk chomped down the rest of the bar and wiped their mouth of their sleeve. They already felt better.

Grim smiled happily down at Frisk. "You're nearly at full health again, that's great, " Grim reached forward and put his large, boney hand on Frisk's head and rubbed it gently. "You're probably confused about how I could tell by this red heart about your health and you probably wonder what it is as well, would you like to know about it?" Grim had a gentle voice as he spoke to Frisk before he knelt down to be at eye level with them.

Frisk nodded at Grim. There was a lot they wanted to know.

"Great!" The skeleton smiled happily. "Well, this heart is your soul, me being a monster, can check it. It's so that we can see how powerful you are and how dangerous. Its like that with all monsters. It's so you know what you're up against. You can see how much health they have, how strong, what defense they have, and their danger level." Grim spoke with an amount enthusiasm that Frisk found sweet. "Your danger level goes up with how many you've killed, it appears that you haven't killed anyone or so you are a Level 1 threat." Grim had a slight relieved look in his eyes as he spoke that. "I believe that humans, can check a monster as well. I mean, I would like to see you try, you just focus on who you want to check and it kind of does it on its own. Want to try?"

Frisk thought a bit before nodding "Sure, I would like to try," Frisk focused on the, now beaming, skeleton. They felt something strange, like a whooshing sound in their ears and focused more. A proud look went into Grim's eyes as an upside down white heart came out in front of him.

"Good job! Now focus a little more on the soul itself," Grim looked gleeful.

Frisk focused more and text seemed to appear in their mind.

Level 3. Average attack. Strong defense. Max health. Cares a lot about others.

"It's nice to find out that humans can do that too, it'll help you in future altercations," Grim seemed thrilled as he looked proudly at Frisk.

Frisk smiled back at the large skeleton before glancing over at Gloom. Not a word had been spoken from her in a little while. She seemed to still be nodding to the beat of her music with her eyes now closed.

Frisk focused on Gloom, who said almost immediately, "I don't recommend checking me," Frisk ignored the warning and continued with the check before freezing at the sight of what appeared while Gloom began to grin, her eye opened narrowly.

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