Firelight City

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Everything was brightly lit up by orange. Large neon signs were everywhere and monsters were teeming over the city streets.

Frisk heard the door to Rainfall City shut and they turned to look and their eye was caught by Gloom as she threw her hoodie off. Underneath was a ripped up black crop top and she had already gotten rid of her sweatpants which showed a small pair of jean shorts and a large belt with a bone buckle on it. It was very similar to the outfit Frisk met Gloom with except now, it was a lot more revealing.

Frisk couldn't help but stare in amazement, seeing the skeleton that somehow kept her form. Frisk looked back up at Gloom when they heard her laugh.

"Ya like what ya see?" She snickered and posed as Frisk shook their head quickly, embarrassed for staring. "Pttf, I'd be staring too to be honest kid, no hard feelin's," Gloom shrugged while chuckling as she took out her cigarettes again. She put one in her teeth and lit it with a small blaster before putting the pack away.

"Let's go shoppin', we gotta get you in a better outfit kid, we gotta get you to fit in. You're standing out like ink on a white carpet right now and that's not a good thing." Frisk nodded a little as Gloom flicked their hand a little. Frisk flinched a little as the jacket they were wearing was gone.

"Don't worry, I gave it back to the shop owner in Snow City," Gloom reached out an arm to Frisk who held onto it as the pair began walking down the street.

"Ok, couple rules. One, you NEVER go where you can't see me, I'll be able to find you easily, but for your own safety, stay where you can see me." Gloom looked back at Frisk who nodded.

"Two, DON'T talk to anyone here, if someone tries to talk to you, point to me, which is where you need to follow rule one," Gloom rubbed the back of her head a bit which drew Frisk's attention to the large cracks running across it from the fight. That's probably bothering her.

"Finally, three. If anyone tries to pull you away, tries to take you, or even just simply grabs you, and I'm not there at that moment. This is VERY important. You need to fight them with all the strength you've got. I don't give a crap if you want to be nice, the people in this city are very cruel and will do very bad shit to you, I know from personal experience before I got my threat level up. Hopefully nothing will happen with me here, but there are a few gutsy monsters," Gloom glanced back at Frisk with a serious look, a look that showed that she was dead serious about the last rule.

Frisk nodded, "I won't break any rules, i promise Gloom." Frisk expected at least a smug smile to come back to the skeleton, but it didn't.

"You better not cause your life could depend on how well you follow the rules I've given you," Gloom turned back before yanking Frisk to the side and pulling them into a shop.

"Let's walk through here, you pick out what you want, I don't care what, prices don't matter to me," Gloom flipped a peace sign to the owner as they walked by them.

The pair went down the isles of the clothing store and Frisk now had a pair of black tights, a stripped tank top, and a small purple fur boa.

"Great, you look like you belong here now," Gloom seemed distracted as they payed for the outfit before they both headed out onto the street again.

Gloom had gone through 3 cigarettes already and seemed fidgety. I wonder what's bothering her now? Frisk was a concerned for the skeleton as they quickly walked with the crowd. A large fire monster tried to grab at Frisk once, but was quickly driven back by Gloom holding a bone knife to their throat.

"We need to get out of this part of the city, I didn't really want to use the alley ways, but it seems we have to or we're going to take longer than I'd like." When they walked past a narrow alley way, Gloom yanked Frisk into it and kept the fast pace going.

"Why are we hurrying so much? Is there something wrong?" Frisk was nearly out of breath when they spoke which caused the skeleton to stop for a moment. Gloom was a bit out of breath as well.

"I'm trying to get through quickly so there's less time to detect us, I've got an old friend here, they're similar to Undying, will have an order to capture or kill you, except their method is...interesting to say the least," Gloom seemed to be nervous while looking around a little.

"I mean, can't you just teleport?" Frisk felt confused at why they didn't just teleport and skip the whole city.

"I would, but Undying tired me out and I only have one teleport left in me right now and it's only for the most absolute emergency. I have very limited teleporting, which, if you're curious, is related to my eye. I gave up teleporting so that I could keep blasters. I lost a lot of power with that eye so I had to give some shit up sadly." Gloom fidgeted a little and took a few deep breaths while throwing her cigarette down on the asphalt.

"We need to get going again before-" Gloom was cut off by a higher pitched metallic male voice.

"Before what sweetheart? Are you trying to avoid me? How absolutely adorable! You love me so much you can barely stand being around me! Understandable as I am so great, sweetheart!" The loud voice came from a nearby camera that turned to face the pair. Frisk glanced over at Gloom who looked annoyed before sending a smirk to Frisk.

"They're more of an narcissist asshole than me if you can believe that," Gloom snickered under her breath a little as the voice on the camera now sounded offended.

"That was quite rude, darling, I was going to play nice, but it seems that you just want everything to be difficult, and watch your language while you're at it." Gloom crossed her arms and looked up at the camera in a sassy way that nearly got a laugh out of Frisk.

"Make me ya large, metallic, asshole. Go to fucking hell! While you're there, you should Mett-a-ton of bitches!" Gloom struggled to hold back her laughs as there was a gasp from the new monster.

"Alright then, if you want to play like that, I can go along with it. I just hope you aren't too 'wrapped' up in what you're doing to not notice that your friend is strung up in a sticky situation." As the robotic monster said that, a large sticky rope had hit Frisk and yanked them up between the buildings to what ever monster waited above.

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