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I run through the corridor, knowing, that I might be late. I pray that I can come in time. I pull the notebook to my chest and let the song in my head play. 

I almost fall over, but some arms are holding me from hitting the floor; I look into Jake's blue eyes. What did just happen here, please tell me I haven't just embarrassed myself in front of  a friend of my bestie? I got this talent, well. 

- Thanks. And sorry, I should've been more careful - I say, standing back on my feet. He smiles at me, I put a piece of hair behind my ear; did I just blush?

- It's fine, don't worry. You're okay for sure? - he asks with such sympathy, that I'm shocked. Outside of this dream he wouldn't have a reason to be like this. 

- Yeah, sure. Please tell me that miss Clare is late - I say, when we walk to the classroom, kinda together, next to each other, I have a mind-lag. 

- Fortunately for Matthew, yes. Someone lost the key, so I guess we'll wait a bit - he answers and I'm more than thankful. - By the way, could you help me with history? I can't get the topic about the Warsaw Uprising. 

- Sure, but you'll find out that I'm a bit strict teacher. 

Why does it sound so cringy, when I say it?

In real world I'm a bit late too. I didn't want this dream to end, so I slept in. I reviewed my notes for Polish on the way and rushed to the classroom. Rose is with her friends from our year, but another class, and I lost a minute, trying to find my textbook in my locker, which is a mess, let's say.

While I go back, I see Jake passing by. Miss Violet is late again, so he probably went to get some snacks.

When I close my eyes, I see everything we would never become, but maybe I'm fine with it. If I really loved him, I would be happy for his smile around another girl. May this happen, if I ever had a heart, please.

I don't know what to think, walking around him. For sure I imagine a cute love comedy movie, but I'm aware that it's just my imagination and I know that feeling this way is not okay. I'm mad about that on myself.

- You saw it? Miss Ember assigned us another test - he says, so I'm back on the ground. It's kinda surprising, that he even talks to me, cause why would he?

- I saw. But she always does that, when we have a though week already. - I shrug my shoulders - I guess she'll give me more exercise sheet today.

- I really admire you for doing it, however you find the motivation - he similes and we're there. We both go our separate ways, to our little worlds.

I've been sleeping so well lately. For a long time I had insomnia, but these days I find it exciting, to find out, what will happen in another dream.

- I had a crush on you since the freshman year - I admit - I wanted to tell you so many times. I can't imagine that you may think about me the way you just said, but believe me, I see every good thing in you and you're perfect to me, therefore you should be to yourself. If I told you that you were a star, would you believe me?

I think I'm broken.

What did I just do? Just to be his in any meaning for a second?

- I would. - he nods, his eyes are shining, a bit tearfully but be is laughing with all of his heart.

So, ladies and gentlemen, this is the way I hit the bottom.

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