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It happened. I've had enough.

The heaviness in my heart weighed me down as I navigated through the days that followed my heartfelt confession to Maxwell. The subtle shift in our dynamic had left me feeling lost and unsure. It was as if the vibrant connection we once shared had dimmed, replaced by an unspoken distance that grew with each passing day.

Our encounters in the dance class became sporadic, our conversations reduced to mere pleasantries. The laughter and little things we once had seemed to have faded into a distant memory. I couldn't help but wonder if it was my confession that had brought upon this change, if my vulnerability had crossed a line that couldn't be uncrossed.

Questions swirled within my mind, tormenting me with their unrelenting presence. Did he regret our friendship? Was I foolish for revealing my feelings? The uncertainty ate at me, leaving me restless and longing for clarity.

Unable to contain my thoughts any longer, I sit in my room. With a heavy heart, I pick up my laptop and poured my emotions onto another novel.

But deep down, I know that I can't find the answers solely within myself. I needed guidance, a fresh perspective to illuminate the darkness that clouded my heart. And there is one person I know I could turn to — my mother.

However, I don't want to start this topic at the table at lunchtime, when my dad will be listening. He knows about Maxwell only because mom told him during one meal weeks ago.

Actually, the first person, after Rose, who knew, was my grandma and she's now a big fan of this whole situation, probably even more than my team - Rose, Michelle and Leo even created a fandom name and Rose showed me a dress she would wear as a bridesmaid.

One evening, I find mom sitting at the kitchen table, her warm cup of tea cradled in her hands.

Her gaze softens, I see the love and understanding in her eyes, the unspoken reassurance that she is there for me. I'm an only child, so all of her focus was always on me.

- What's been troubling you? - she asks, though I didn't say a word. A mother always knows that something's going on.

- Not "what", but "who". - I say, sitting next to her. Mom hugs me with her left arm and sighs.

- Did he message you? How are things between you two?

I tell her all of my insecurities. Since I confessed to Max, he's been slowly putting distance between us. From shorter talk before the dance class, through very little texting during the week, to the point where we only talk after the class. If I don't text first, he won't neither.

Can he still say that nothing changed?

- Sweetheart - mom says, her voice's a gentle balm to my weary soul - It takes bravery to lay your heart bare, and I see that it's all hurting you, but I guess you'll need to just treat him as a colleague. He will not give you the answer face to face, cause he doesn't want to hurt you.

- But this unknown and his ignorance is even more painful - I cry, though I planned to be strong. I can't force Maxwell to feel the same way or expect him to react in a specific manner, but if he'd reject me, I'd be able to move on.

- I know, my dear... But you can't change anything - mom hugs me and gives me the time to cry.

Dad comes back from the gym. He puts his bag on the floor, probably confused. I don't show that much emotions on a daily basis.

- What...?

- Maxwell. - mom replies, and then she tells me: - Maybe go take a shower, put a facemask on, my angel, and we'll find something to watch, okay?

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