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I put my shoes on and I'm ready for the dance class. Marina is adjusting the lighting, and I'm watching the new guy, Maxwell. He joined us two weeks ago and he seems to be okay.

I think about my last dream and I think I know, what to do, when it'll start again. I may say, that I want it.

- Hey, why are you so sad? - Maxwell asks and his brown, shining eyes really seem to care.

- I'm just tired - I reply, cause I'm not gonna talk about a mental breakdown I had an hour ago - Life in the last class, I guess.

- Believe me, it'll get harder at uni - he laughs kindly - Smile, it suits you - he adds with the most precious smile anyone ever gave me up until this moment. He wipes his glasses and puts it back. His curly, brown hair seem to live its own life and Maxwell looks at me ten centimeters height difference.

Something in my chest burns. I blush, that was really kind of him. There are still some gentlemen in this world, he's cute. And definitely a nice person.

Marina comes back to us and tells Cadence to hurry up a bit. Clarie is half absent, when Lilly comes in.

- Hi y'all, change your shoes, if you haven't already and stand in a line - says Marina, chewing her bubble gum. She spits it out into a trash basket and ties her long, blonde hair.

I stand next to Maxwell. I swear, I've seen him before, I'm just not sure, where and when. Come on, Paula, you can do it, you can...

- By the way, where have you gone to school? - I ask, all nervous, though it's just a boy. He doesn't look his age and is a bit shy, but not as much as me.

He replies with the name of my town.

- As I thought, I'm a student there too - I laugh, and he looks at me surprised.

- What a small world! Is miss Stevens still teaching?

- She is, but I don't have classes with her, I'm in the humanistics.

- So mr Korda - he smiles, and now I remind myself, I once saw him talking with profesor Korda, when I was a freshman. Maxwell had to be a senior then, according to the age difference.

- Exactly. I could've promised that I saw you before and I wasn't wrong.

- Unfortunately I can't remember you - he answers in a bit apologizing way. But it's probably that way, you remember those before you, not the younger ones.

We got him a ride back home and my mom adores him. I managed to hold a very awkward small talk conversation and make it out alive.

When we're home and I help mom empty the dishwasher, she asks about Maxwell again. I have to say, that I like him, he's kind, very smiling and happy all the time. I would love to become friends, yes, I can't believe I'm saying it. It's funny, that mom asks about him, though she would never ever let me go out with a boy. Even as a dance class mates.

I text Rose and few minutes later I'm on her couch, telling her about this very nice "smile, it suits you".

In the dream, I run through the corridor, just to be in Jake's arms again. I let myself have the last kiss of my imagination. Something I thought I wanted, but even "living" that in my dreams feels so wrong, that I have to put an end to this.

I know, where I'm going and this is the last time.

- I have to talk to you - I say, quite seriously. He nods, a bit confused. I'm gonna break not only my own heart, but also his. Though he wouldn't know, when I'll wake up.

- Something happened? - he asks, trying to guess from my facial expression.

- It's the end - I say, untill I have courage to do so - I still adore you, I did for all these three years, but it is not fair about both you and Ellen. I messed up, so it's done with us. Though I don't wanna lose you as a college or to hurt you, but I can't leave it this way and pretend, that it's not falling apart. I thought I'd be always happy, while with you, but it doesn't erase the scars I have inside. I don't wanna hurt you with my struggles. I don't wanna mess up even more. Just being fair. I'm sorry for giving both of us any hope, but I wish you all of the best and please don't be mad. Treat me with silence, cause I won't loose. Sorry.

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