Aquamens (Month 2) 5, 1615 Central Calendar
San Redentore District, Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire
Walman paced back and forth alone in the pristine hallway of the Ministry of Ancient Sorcerous Empire Countermeasures' administrative headquarters, walking from one end to the other countless times while his mouth continued to mutter barely audible words. The squeaking of Walman's rubber shoes that he absentmindedly rubbed against the ceramic tiles of the floor echoed in a silly attempt of warding off the silence in that section of the building.
Occasionally, the employees who passed that corridor would stop and turn to look at the brunette in astonishment, for it is extremely rare, if not downright impossible, that a young teenager was seen wearing an orange-colored Clearance Level 2 employee badge—the mark of an engineer. However, their own duties soon brought them from their stupor and they immediately walked away despite the curious sight, leaving the boy to his devices.
'Deep breath, exhale... deep breath, exhale...'
He did it over and over again, but Walman still can't calm his rapidly beating heartbeat. He knew that this day will happen and mentally prepared himself, but the pressure is still there.
"We already did this before, but why am I still nervous...?" he muttered to no one in particular, "Just how in the world Meteos can endure it is beyond me—hm?"
Just as Walman turned around from walking to one end of the hallway, his eyes caught the familiar woman emerging from a corner near the other end. Said woman's expression broke into a wide grin at seeing one of her apprentices as she jogged lightly toward the boy.
"Heeey~" she greeted, waving her hand.
"Ah, Miss Robin, good morning," Walman smiled lightly despite himself.
"Sorry if I'm late, I came here as soon as I can...! Well then? Where is Meteos? Why are you here alone?"
"He's already inside, I'm just here because... I'm getting nervous," he rubbed his nape with a bashful expression on his face.
"Ah... nervous, huh?" Robin repeated in understanding. "Hmm, how about we check on your friend together?"
She then reached out and gently massaged his shoulders as she ushered Walman into Conference Room 4, the place where they will conduct today's agenda.
Walman and Robin opened the double doors to see Meteos sitting at the center of a U-shaped table, staring at a moderately-sized box-shaped device in front of him. When he pressed a button on it, a bright light shone from the device's circular lens to the screen across the room. Meteos then picked one card-like object from a box nearby and inserted it into a slot on the device, causing the screen to display one of Meteos' generalized technical drawings that were projected from it.
As one of the ministries of the Holy Milishial Empire government, and the most influential one at that, the MOASEC is often entitled of receiving new, state-of-the-art magic technologies before everyone else. This included this device, a magic slide projector developed by a central Milishial-based conglomerate, the 'Tlaloc Optics.' Even though it was not as prominent as a juggernaut such as the Aikon Corporation, this company is one of the MOASEC's partners that also benefited from any progress that the Ministry made in advancing the Holy Empire's magic technology, one of the Ancient Ministry's providers of nigh-limitless resources.
As a further development of the earlier slide projection technology called a 'magic lantern,' this slide projector is still called such by some people in the Holy Empire. It works by using a lamp powered by magical energy to illuminate a slide that has been placed in a tray. The light is then directed onto the slide through a series of lenses and mirrors, and the image is then projected onto a screen or wall, just like what was happening right now.

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