Fundamens (Month 1) 8, 1616 Central Calendar
Second Civilization Area
The sea region southeast of the Mu Continent is an expanse where ships traversing the route rounding the continent's two southernmost capes will have to pass before entering the Minerva Ocean. In this area, exactly one week after the new Central Calendar year, three ships could be seen sailing on a southward journey. Ever since the day dawned, the sky over there was the color of pewter, with clouds scudding across the heavens like tattered sails. Braving the icy wind that whipped off their starboard bows, these three ships maintained a neat single-column formation, separated from each other by one cable length while trailing wakes like white ribbons that traced paths through the almost dark water.
The three ships, being identical in shape, belonged to the same class of metallic gray ships slightly over 100 meters in length. Seasoned sailors observing from a distance would have instantly categorized them as belonging to either the Muish or Milishial make. As one went closer, the absence of telltale plumes and smokestacks would narrow the possibility to the latter, but a final detail would shatter all those expectations: from the masts of each ship fluttered flags in a striking color that starkly contrasted the ships' somber gray. It bore no resemblance to either cool-toned banners of the two aforementioned premier superpowers.
"What a dreary weather. Feels like the sky itself is mourning the end of the holiday season."
Words came out from Gireis, the squadron commander on board the flagship Barthelma in front of the three-ship formation, adjusting his coat slightly and glancing at the sky through the enclosed bridge's windows.
The ship's captain responded, "Aye, Commander. Not the most welcoming sight for our voyage in these beauties, is it?"
"True, but at least some gunfire drills would help lift some of the monotony, wouldn't you say?"
"Yes, sir. We're looking forward to it."
"Good. Let's get better while we're at it."
Gireis was pleased with his men's high spirits despite the bone-chilling climate and bleak scenery.
Gigantic naval vessels of their kind had been long the sole domain of the Kingdom of Mu and the Holy Milishial Empire in the known world as a testament to both their advanced technologies and shipbuilding capability. However, after almost a decade of arduous negotiations with the Holy Empire and a multitude of geopolitical considerations, overtures of a certain middle power from which Gireis and his unit belonged had finally prevailed. After no less than ten rejections, the Magicaraich Community managed to obtain these coveted ships to bring about a turning point to this country's de facto navy, the Abteilung Seeverteidigung (MAS, "Maritime Defense Department"). Their dark red flag, with white and green stripes on the bottom and a depiction of a white hexagonal shield near the upper right corner, thus proudly flew on these new ships since their commissioning back in the spring of last year. This training voyage of the 1. Kreuzergeschwader (Cruiser Squadron 1) belonging to the 1. Verteidigungsflotte (Defense Fleet 1) is the fourth since acquiring the ships, where every maneuver and simulated attack honed the skills of the crew and tested the limits of their extraordinary vessels.
Traditionally, Magicaraich's ships are armed to mainly protect against pirates roaming their part of the southern Mu trade route rather than taking on the fleet of another nation. However, the increasing capabilities of individual naval ships possessed by Magicaraich's strained northern neighbor Mu pressured them of a necessity to modernize their own maritime defense capabilities as well. This naturally meant ramping up their own capabilities, but with the Holy Milishial Empire apparently and rather conveniently looking forward to expanding their exports at that exact time period, the approved 1610 Maritime Defense Modernization Act resulted in the purchase of five iron bamboo alloy-using hulls built by the Holy Empire for export purposes, three of which were already in commission with the MAS.

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