Chapter 5: You Named a Weapon What?

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Fundamens (Month 1) 13, 1614 Central Calendar

It's been five months since Meteos and Walman moved to the Runepolis Magic Academy. Meteos is impressed with the RMA's engineers, who managed to reproduce the conductive magnetic radar with even more advanced radar displays to the level of PPI display used in the normal mana detector, thanks to the know-how provided to them.

The PPI, or plan position indicator, is a type of radar display that represents the radar antenna in the center of the display, with the distance from it and height above ground drawn as concentric circles. While the radar antenna is rotating 360 degrees, it sends pulses around the radar site at a fixed elevation angle, and a radial trace on the PPI sweeps in unison with it about the center point. Return echoes from targets are then received by the antenna and processed by the receiver. This is the most common type of radar display.

True to her word, Robin started gathering people to help in Meteos' project, and their first tasks are to further develop the radar to produce smaller, better-performing radars with reduced costs, then put it to practical use. While the Empire has a stunted technological development, Milishial is a modern nation with an excellent education system where both commoners and nobles receive the same quality in education, and Meteos is determined to fix the wasted potential of the Milishian people. It's not much at present, but his workload is greatly lessened.

The next thing on his agenda is the naval weapons. The RMA where he studied at specializes in engineering, particularly in naval weapons, and they have a shipbuilding department and a dockyard large enough to build a battleship and a catamaran aircraft carrier such as the Rodeus-class. The Navy is also the easiest to upgrade, as their analysis and reverse-engineering of Ravernal weapons are in much better shape than their Army and Air Force counterparts.

However, neither battleships nor aircraft carriers are part of Meteos' technological reforms this time. It's something else.



When Robin entered Meteos and Walman's apartment room, she found both of them were doing their usual activities. She wanted to ask them to have dinner together, but only Walman greeted her while the other boy is apparently too busy to hear her entering the room.

"Hey, Meteos. I heard there's a nice restaurant just opened in the downtown, do you want to go?" She called out.

No response.

"Yoo-hoo!" She called again with a louder voice.

"He's been like that since we returned from school, Miss Robin," Walman said.

The only thing heard from Meteos are noises of pencil scratching on paper and his weird mutterings. Curious, Robin came over behind him to see what he was doing without disturbing the boy. Her eyes widened at what she saw.

What was drawn on paper was some sort of long cigar-shaped object with a blunt forward edge and narrower rear edge. From her place behind Meteos, Robin can see a part that looks like a propulsion system, and the front part of the object is labeled as 'warhead'. It's a weapon.

This is the first time Robin has ever seen Meteos drawing the blueprints of a weapon. As a member of the Ministry of Ancient Sorcerous Empire Countermeasures, Robin is involved with the analysis of ancient weapons left by the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, but she never encountered a weapon like this before. Unable to hold back her curiosity, she decided to ask.

"Is this some sort of bomb?"

"...yes, it's designed to be launched from a platform and then attack enemy ships—"

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