Chapter 102: High Charity

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Despite its familiar scenery at first, Ars Goetia was a world of impossible contradictions when compared to Earth or Yggdra, the homeworlds of Japan and the Gra Valkas Empire, respectively. Though its diameter stretched two and half times that of the two planets, its gravity remained the same—which from these interlopers' point of view, was an anomaly that defied their conventional understanding. Beneath Ars Goetia's crust lay a region unlike anything they found called the Hollow Planet, a vast, turbulent expanse of raw mana. This energy roiled ceaselessly, churning beneath the surface in ways that blurred the line between this region and what should have been the mantle.

The presence of this one element made Ars Goetia's universe more similar to Attarsamain's, where the long-dead inhabitants of the latter once used their own planetary mana to transform their world into a Land of Light. This was also why the ancient Ravernals failed to recognize that, instead of blindly teleporting to a planet with life somewhere in their native universe, they were actually sent across the multiverse to one adjacent dimension by the Game's meddling.

When this "planetary mana" escaped to the surface, it reacted with the elements of the world, crystallizing into magic stones. Unlike finite earthly resources—which can actually be made infinite themselves through an advanced understanding of magick anyway, Ars Goetia's planetary mana was already boundless as an eternal wellspring of power that seeped into the fabric of the civilizations flourishing on it. An important key phrase is "as long as there's life," so the planetary mana's definitely supernatural way of endlessly replenishing itself might be connected to the sum of all life itself. Reflecting on the case with Attarsamain, the White Lotus Leader already knew what would happen to a mana-producing planet when all life on it was wiped out.

Despite various lost religions that venerate mana used to speak the concept of its 'Will,' it appears that planetary mana is nothing more than a source of energy with no will of its own. When the Ancient Sorcerous Empire and the natives raced to harness it so that they could obliterate each other, they suffered no consequences other than the karma of their own unwise actions.

And so, because they knew better about such things than most, one faction dared to try to use this source of power in what would seem to be reckless abandon.


Fundamens (Month 1) 18, 1617 Central Calendar, 09:00

Area B7R, Southeastern Holy Milishial Empire

It was exactly twelve hours since the Spire was activated and the facility's construction began. In that time, what was once a dull, empty plot of land with a brief activity to stock construction materials had transformed into something that was no longer a dull, empty plot of land.

The crew in the area watched as a gray truncated cone-like construct made of metal literally grew from a small magic rod into a structure, reaching the height of a three-story building overnight after consuming the prepared feedstock. Though its growth had significantly decelerated compared to the previous night, every 30 minutes glowing lines would appear on its surface before the wall split into smaller segments. These sections would then shift outward, with the gaps being seamlessly filled through a magical process that reconnected them, gradually increasing the structure's size with each cycle.

Many of them were so mesmerized that they had to be scolded to continue their tasks. A foreman barked orders at the gawking workers, "It's not going anywhere, people! Get back to work!" His words jolted them back to reality, but their eyes still darted back to the structure every so often.

Inside the specialized trailer of a HELVS truck parked nearby were a couple of crewmen and Belial, who was stationed at a console displaying a holographic schematic of the Spire-grown structure. As he was the only one required to oversee and control the structure's growth, Belial filled his relatively light duties by lecturing the others and tasking them to study.

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