Ventusmens (Month 9) 2, 1613 Central Calendar, 22:30
Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire
After receiving the invitation letters from the Runepolis Magic Academy (RMA) at Robin's recommendation, both Meteos Roguerider and Walman Falkenhausen were transferred from their junior high school in their hometown of Leiden to the capital city, enrolling in their new school as Student Mages. Aside from taking classes, they sometimes will be called upon as assistants by Robin, who worked in the RMA as a Mage, technician, and a professor sent by the Ministry of Ancient Sorcerous Empire Countermeasures (MOASEC or Ancient Ministry). In other words, Meteos and Walman are unofficially Robin's apprentices.
As for housing, they rented an apartment close to RMA's building complex, next to Robin's, and the three quickly become friends. She is energetic and can be pretty quirky and strange at times, but she is a genuinely good person.
Meteos decided to leave the conductive magnetic radar they built and the knowledge of building it to the RMA's staff to learn until they can produce a perfect copy of it for now, and is busy tinkering with a so-called state-of-the-art calculator recently developed by the Holy Milishial Empire in his apartment room. It's that thing that's as big as a PC and weighed nearly 14 kilograms, yet can only perform simple functions of a pocket calculator. It was expensive, too.
This is a product of Holy Milishial Empire's take of one of the Ravernal Empire's excavated technologies. What should be able to come out as a slim, handheld device, ended up becoming extremely bulky due to too many additional components in an attempt to achieve the original calculator's performance. Sure, with magic and Ravernal technology, the HME can produce fancy and futuristic-looking technology, but they are underpowered and when you take away all that, all that remain is a level of understanding barely better than Mu's, or even worse.
"*sigh* ...this is the worst." Meteos complained while holding his head. "If I can't simplify and improve this thing's performance, I can't proceed with more advanced stuff."
Probably it took a great effort for the Japanese not to laugh when Fearm gave this thing to them during their diplomatic meeting.
Robin, who was hanging out in their apartment, came over and take a look at the notes and blueprints scattered across the table.
"I think this one is acceptable enough for now. Let's take this to the lab tomorrow for building and testing."
"It's still too bulky..."
"One thing at a time, kid. Besides, it looks like it can already be held in your palm."
Walman from the far side of the room choose to comment, "Yeah, and you can throw it at someone like a brick."
Meteos stared at his friend, unamused. Walman just shrugged.
"Fine. Let's bring it to the lab tomorrow."
"Why are you in such a hurry to finish it, by the way?"
"Miss Robin, Milishial is supposed to be the defender of all races, right? We don't know when the Ancient Sorcerous Empire will finally return, and we barely understood their relic. Imagine when a light-winged man takes a look at us and he was like..."
Meteos then made an exaggerated frown before continuing.
" dare use my own spells against me?"
The other two looked at each other for a moment before burst in laughter.
"Bahahahahahaha! I can't believe I'm laughing at the Ancient Sorcerous Empire of all things!" Robin cackled.

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
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