Chapter 54: Someone Who Cares

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Caleomens 1615 Central Calendar

Hecate Anor, Valahia Province, Holy Milishial Empire

When the time has come to leave the opulent comfort provided by a behemoth of a passenger liner that had carried him and his entourage through the Silberian Sea since the last week, a certain old man felt almost reluctant to step outside. Nevertheless, duty called, so he reluctantly swung his gaunt legs and led his delegation down the ramp onto the solid concrete surface of their destination's harbor. Waiting there was a reception committee with the city skyline as a backdrop, ready to greet both his entourage and the delegation from their 'volatile' neighbor up north.

Speaking of which, the long-standing tension between the two parties had kept their interactions to a minimum, despite the fact that they had literally shared the same ship throughout the entire voyage. The theme of 'contrasts,' which had always characterized the relationship between the two sides, now became even more pronounced as they stood side by side on their host's land. Even in terms of appearance, the old man and his men's traditional attire dominated by teal and turquoise colors clashed starkly with the militaristic crimson uniforms of their counterparts from beyond the Strait.

Strong versus weak, continental versus islander, civilized versus barbarian, a superpower against a nobody.

For the elder, he had never once imagined in his lifetime that he would be in a position to bring a giant to a negotiating table where they could meet as somewhat equals. Granted, in reality, his country operated more as an instrument of a greater will that set things in motion. What he wouldn't give to obtain the power to make such a move by themselves.

Standing before them was the chief representative of their host, a tall man impeccably attired in a renowned dark blue outfit adorned with golden trimmings. He greeted them with an air of self-assuredness that left the elderly man with a sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of a certain ambassador from the same country with whom he was more familiar with. The commanding presence of this man seemed perfectly suited for the occasion, especially if the country he was representing was the said 'greater' will capable of taming even the rampaging Dragon of Philades.

"Esteemed delegations of the Parpaldia Empire and the Altaras Kingdom... On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, we warmly welcome you into our Holy Empire," the Milishian representative announced in a proper manner, his voice loud and clear amidst the clamoring of the media personnel gathering to capture this moment. "My name is Eanasir Azarzade, Secretary of Eastern International Affairs of the Holy Milishial Empire's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I have the honor of representing our country. We are truly delighted to have you all here for the upcoming talks...!"

Stepping forward after the Milishian man finished speaking, the one leading the crimson-uniformed group placed his clasped right hand in front of his chest and bowed appropriately in greeting.

"I am Arjen Antonius van Dalsen, Director of the Parpaldia Empire's First Foreign Affairs Bureau and the leader of my country's delegation. Thank you for accommodating this great endeavor. I hope that this will be a significant step forward in our relations."

"I am the Foreign Minister of the Altaras Kingdom, Hisham ibn Zahir. Lord Secretary, first of all, we would like to express our gratitude to your country for accepting our invitation to this negotiation."

"Of course, gentlemen. Considering that it is in our collective best interest to promote stability in the region, I hope that here we will be able to achieve for ourselves something that we did our utmost to achieve... long-lasting prosperity. Let us hope that these negotiations will bear fruitful results for all parties involved!"

Though delivered with a boisterous smile, something about the words from this seemingly affable diplomat sent an unsettling chill down the elderly Hisham's spine. There was also an ominous gleam in his eyes that made his skin crawl. Drawing further parallels to that ambassador, he couldn't help but wonder if all Milishian diplomats were required to be snakes that conceal their arrogance and intimidation behind a mask of charm like these men. When he cast a sidelong glance at the Parpaldian delegation leader as they were ushered to the waiting horseless magical carriages known as 'cars' that would bring them to their respective lodgings, Hisham also noticed that the thickly mustached younger man wore a stern expression, likely masking a similar sense of unease.

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