Ignismens 18, 1615 Central Calendar, 10:00
Neldorand District, Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire
As the summer vacation month approached, Meteos Roguerider eagerly anticipated the return to his hometown of Leiden. He often couldn't help but find himself on the edge of his seat, especially when asked about his family, including his pregnant mother and unborn siblings. It was clear from his face alone that the silver-haired prodigy was really eager to return home.
While he was still in the capital, today marked another delightful weekend spent with friends from RMA, this time at a certain ice cream parlor located not far from the Academy Yards on the southern coast of Runepolis Bay. After exploring, shopping, watching big ships (of the gun-toting variety) under construction, and more exploring, Meteos and co. found themselves savoring frozen desserts within the elegantly designed interior of the parlor. With a scoop of the chocolate sprinkle-covered surface of what the residents of another world will call a 'sundae,' Meteos indulged in the sweet pleasures that are commensurate with their price while listening to the chattering that filled the air around him.
Annette, sitting to the left of Nadia who was eating across from Meteos, was the one leading the conversation so far.
"So, you two are going back to Enysfal the first Sunday of next month and will not come back until the month after that?"
The boys affirmed with nods and grunts.
"And Miss Robin and Mister Arkland will also be joining you... because the Ancient Ministry in their power apparently bend some rules so that you're considered working while you're on a summer vacation."
"Yep," Robin chuckled. Sitting beside her was the brooding Arthur Arkland who was being not-so-subtly ogled by Sofia sitting across from him. Half the reason he was here was because he was carrying out his duty, one quarter was because of Robin's insistence, and the last quarter was because his sister Morgan pestered him to go.
Since Leiden was where he had stored the rest of his as-of-yet undisclosed 'GP' designs, the MOASEC had no objections in letting him and Walman have their vacation while giving him an 'assignment' that Meteos discloses a portion of the GPs that he will bring back as soon as he returns to Runepolis—a mere formality that Meteos was more than willing to uphold. This way, the MOASEC will not be seen as squandering their rare talents in times when they were in a frenzy of churning out progress while being considerate to the younglings at the same time.
Ah... politics. You got to love those.
"How very convenient," Annette said between scoops of her ice cream.
"This is the way," the Ancient Ministry group chorused.
"Hehe, of course... But what really bugs me is that, why is it so hard for you and my father's schedules to reconcile? Every time he thought it was time to finally meet you guys and thank you for helping me, either of you are very busy with your work or something, even though it's almost summer vacation time... my father is still swamped by duties..."
Listening to Annette's complaint, Meteos nodded slightly, "Yes, once again, we're sorry we can't come to your graduation party and missed the chance to meet the Duke, but it just so happened that our schedule this year is quite tight. Well, it's not even a full year since we were recruited by the Ancient Ministry. There are some immediate obligations that we still have to fulfill. I also understand that the Duke governs the capital of the Holy Empire and its issues... it's no duty for lesser men."
The other silverette harrumphed in response, but her lips tugged upward a little.
"What is it, My Lady? It can't be helped given the lines of our work."

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
Fanfiction"Unacceptable. If there's one thing that a conveniently appearing overpowered entity in this world has shown us, is that we are seen as weak and hopeless. I find that previous life's terms unacceptable. I want a better world. With these hands, I dar...