Dragusmachira, Emor Kingdom
The sun, which was already a spear's length away from setting, cast a fiery glow over the Promised Place and the center of the Emorian civilization, the Willmanz Castle. Palace officials and advisors had gathered for a Royal Council, taking their places among the supporting wooden pillars of the throne room in two columns facing each other. With the last light of the day drawing to a close, yellow magical lights shone from the high ceiling, casting a glow upon their tense expressions. No one dared to make even the slightest of noises until, finally, another dragonoid entered and settled cross-legged on a raised dais at the rear, situated in the midst of an enormous bas-relief image depicting two prancing dragons that breathe wind and thunder, giving the impression that they were flanking him majestically.
With an average height ranging from 1,8 to 2 giris (Emorian 'steps,' equivalent to 175-200 cm), the dragonoids possessed a natural robustness surpassing other species in the known world. Their scale-covered skin and horns that grew out of their heads, tinted bluish-white, could be glimpsed beneath the loose garments they wore, creating a striking contrast against their bright red eyes and hair. However, the one who had just come in was different from the rest of the attendees in that his garment featured more decorative ornaments, while his physical features of mustache, beard, and long hair arranged in a braided ponytail, exuded the air of a noble of high standing. With everyone in the room holds him in the highest regard, this is none other than the Dragon King of Emor, Wagdran.
While the attendees waited, he remained silent for a moment before his words finally marked the start of the meeting.
"Fellow members of the council, we gather here today to address a matter of importance that has unfolded near our kingdom's southern borders. Four days ago, our Wind Dragon riders who patrolled the region reported the sign of a disturbance from the land beyond the borders, which takes the form of lights invisible to our eyes but can be sensed by the Wind Dragons. Is that report correct?"
Wagdran turned his gaze to the military commander and Captain Nabu who sat beside him. As the leader of the first patrol unit that witnessed said 'disturbance,' he was invited to the council to give his testimony. Taking the hint and with his commander's permission, Nabu bowed before addressing the council.
"Your Majesty," he began. "That is correct. During our routine patrol, my unit's Wind Dragon partners alerted us about mysterious 'lights' that came from beyond Lucifer's walls. These lights, even though it was invisible to our eyes, were said to be similar to the Wind Dragon's abilities."
Hushed whispers rippled through the council as the attendees exchanged wary glances. The Dragon King raised his hand to silence them.
"Continue," he said with a curious, but commanding tone.
"Based on my partner dragon's words, we have assumed that the lights were not of natural origin and I ordered my unit to approach them in order to investigate. However, as we closed our distance to the walls, the lights were said to intensify and overwhelmed the Wind Dragons' senses, prompting us to retreat. On the following days, we decided to stay at a distance of three da-nas (3 leagues, around 33 km) from Lucifer's walls to observe that the lights were still there, turning on and off around every one minute."
"The lights that only the Wind Dragons can see?" one attendee pondered with a skeptical tone. "From what I understand, that is how the Wind Dragons are able to speak with each other and see long distances. It's impossible for the Middle Lands people to ally with the Wind Dragons like us, but what manner of devilry could possibly emit it, then?"
"But the Wind Dragons themselves said that the lights that they saw were too unnatural for them. If they even felt harmed by the lights, then those might be the work of some other magic!"

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
Fanfic"Unacceptable. If there's one thing that a conveniently appearing overpowered entity in this world has shown us, is that we are seen as weak and hopeless. I find that previous life's terms unacceptable. I want a better world. With these hands, I dar...