Solmens 4, 1615 Central Calendar, 08:00
Ministry of Ancient Sorcerous Empire Countermeasures
After Robin's proposed inspection trip to observe the development progress of the GP designs received express approval from the Ancient Ministry's leadership, all concerned parties were given notice and proceeded to make their own preparations. Then, when Monday arrived to mark the first day of the outing, Robin spirited away her two apprentices from the ongoing Alpha Edge Project, much to Chief Engineer Astler's dismay. When he criticized this whimsical decision, Astler was countered by a not-so-subtle jab at the team's implied incompetence without their presence, forcing him to give his permission.
However, the dissatisfaction still lingered, and while the trio was away pursuing their first agenda, Andreas Birkburn once again visited the Director's office, this time accompanied by a slightly disgruntled Marco Rossi, the head of the Aerial System Development Facility whose jurisdiction included the Alpha Edge Project.
"What's done is done. Alright, I can bring myself to accept that last time... and just barely at present. I ask you to consider that the repeated excursions of Professor Calvello and her apprentices can cause delays in the Alpha Edge Project's development. We're talking about an important project with extremely short time constraints here, yet every time those child prodigies create something new, they must be taken away to oversee it. Can't something be done about it?"
Rossi voiced his grievances without ever raising his voice, lessening the pressure felt by Lippin. Still, while his expression seemed stoic in the face of his senior-turned-subordinate's complaint, Birkburn who watched the exchange could sense the currents of anxiety running beneath his façade.
After Rossi finished, he asked him a question.
"How many days to go, Chief Rossi?"
"132 days to go until the promised day," the Aerial Facility chief answered with a slight narrowing of his eyes.
"...I see."
In their race to complete the project, the sizable crew of the Alpha Edge Project worked eight to ten hours a day every day of the week, with top priority given by the government regarding all parts and materials required. When the construction of the airframe started on Arb. 16, the crew made a large red sign, "OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED," and attached it to the back wall of the facility to motivate themselves. Each day the wording was changed to mark the countdown until Ven. 13, the Alpha Edge Project's "Promised Day." With the engine completed and the drawing board design worked without fail, Meteos and Walman's work as designers was in essence fulfilled, allowing them to leave the rest to the other crew members. A wooden mockup was even already finished for the Air Force men to look over one week after the construction started.
For the Alpha Edge Project, there are no Sundays. As Meteos Roguerider and Walman Falkenhausen were exempt from this, naturally there will be eyes looking at them with spite. However, their hidden protectors can cook up one hundred and one reasons to make sure no one will hamper the progress, ranging from accusing a plot to betray the Holy Empire to heresy to even Light Winged Devil worship. In short, if they disturb the children, they die.
Lippin's view that this leeway can be utilized to harness the child prodigies' talents in other fields that might need it was, in fact, influenced by Birkburn. However, it seemed that the execution was less than ideal from Rossi's perspective.
Lippin pursed his lips and sighed softly, "...You're not wrong, Chief Rossi. I admit that this is the result of us, me especially, in failing to anticipate that their work can be so... prolific."
"Director, I know you are trying to drive away the Villainess' evil eyes from our Ancient Ministry, but don't let reckless decision-making plunge us instead into an even greater peril," the bespectacled man bitterly remarked.

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
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