A bored Meteos shuffled along the narrow metallic corridor as he tried to find something else to do. The recent developments had resulted in him trying to catch up with this world, but after what seemed to be four hours, he had already exhausted the materials that were available in one sitting. Looking at the passing clouds outside gave him no inspiration, as if they were mocking him with their stoic indifference. He wasn't feeling like spending the return flight to Runepolis daydreaming... the clouds can be whatever they wish, and he desired to do something productive.
As he was about to pass another private compartment, the sound of buttons clicking and the soft voice of Legiel, his older brother and the bane of his existence, spilled out from the open door. Meteos wanted to just walk away and ignore him, but curiosity, a traitorous little imp, tugged at Meteos' sleeve. He couldn't help but stop and peek through the cracked open door of the next compartment.
Slightly hunching over a magic typewriter in his room, Legiel seemed to be in his element. His fingers danced across the keys in a flurry of motion punctuated by the rhythmic clack of the machine, while his mouth murmured words loud enough for Meteos to hear.
"The Holy Milishial Empire.
When someone hears that name, they will instantly be reminded of one thing: that they are the number one. The first country to emerge from the ashes of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire; the strongest superpower in the world; and many other things that they are the best. Though many of these are self-proclaimed, no one in this world can defy their claims and, in the end, it was acknowledged as the reality, that the Holy Milishial Empire is the number one in everything.
By the grace of the gods, it is the country that boasts the highest levels of modernity, industry, urbanization, and technological progress in the world ever since it was founded many millennia ago. Blessed with the abundance of ruins from the long-gone Ancient Sorcerous Empire's civilization, by uncovering their secrets the Holy Milishial Empire turned the strength of humanity's greatest oppressor into their own. With their immense military strength gathered over centuries, they earned their place in the sun as the Central World and indeed, the world's strongest superpower. Under the wise and benevolent leadership of their Emperors, the Holy Empire stands ready as the world's guardian for the fated return of the tyrannical Ravernal Empire... Hmm..."
Legiel was narrating whatever he was working on the machine as he typed. However, the typing soon paused and was replaced by a soft sigh.
"Seems a bit dry, but how do you like the opening narration of this story so far, Little Brother?" Legiel suddenly called out to him with a tinge of amusement. Without even turning around, his older brother was aware of Meteos' presence. "What do you think? Anything I can tweak to grab the reader's attention?"
Meteos, however, remained silent, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed. He refused to give Legiel the satisfaction of a response, the prickling irritation in his stomach urging him to maintain the upper hand.
However, he didn't recall himself to be that petty. He knew that he as a human being is envious, and vain, and arrogant, and selfish, and—
Before long, Meteos let out a long, reluctant sigh, before stepping through the door.
"...What is it that you're writing, Brother Legiel?" he mumbled, the polite question rolling off his tongue like a grudging admission of defeat.
Legiel spun around in his chair with a cheerful smile. "Ah, I'm glad you asked, Little Brother! What I'm doing is writing down a certain someone's post-reincarnation memories into a story for people in the multiverse to read. I've just gotten started on the first chapter, though..."
"Post... reincarnation...? What do you mean by that?"
"Who else who reincarnates in this world? Your experiences, of course," Legiel pointed out, tilting his head slightly.

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
Fanfiction"Unacceptable. If there's one thing that a conveniently appearing overpowered entity in this world has shown us, is that we are seen as weak and hopeless. I find that previous life's terms unacceptable. I want a better world. With these hands, I dar...