Chapter 32: jars

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Fundamens 19, 1615 Central Calendar, 14:21

MOASEC Apartment Complex, San Redentore District

The silence of his abode greeted Meteos as he finally arrived at his apartment room. It has been like this every weekday. His roommate Walman is still on his shift in the Alpha Edge Project, replacing him until one and a half hours later in order to fulfill their obligations to the Ancient Ministry.

With an exaggerated sigh, Meteos opened the door wide and lifted a wooden crate sitting by his feet to carry into the apartment. Proceeding to walk further inside, he arrived at the door of his apartment's so-called 'Planning Room,' an office-like room dedicated to all his plans and as one would expect, is filled to the brim with books, documents, and blueprints. Meteos placed his crate there with a dull thud that reverberated across the room.

"Phew... finally," Meteos groaned, stretching his limbs. The sensation of his popping joints made him involuntarily let out a grunt of pleasure.

He was on a tight schedule today. The work on the Alpha Edge Project only intensifies day by day, but immediately after finishing his shift, Meteos departed for the Imperial Mail Service in Xenosgram District by himself to retrieve a package sent from his hometown of Leiden. And this package came in the form of a heavy wooden crate that would not look out of place among a shipment of firearms. These activities are not part of his obligations in the Ministry, but still, he had his reasons to do these side quests, a very personal one.

One crowbar and the quick application of a simple lever mechanism later, Meteos pried the sealed crate open, revealing the contents of the package after long being stored under layers of rodent and termite-repellant magic papers. Its distinct scent tickled the boy's nose as he peered into it with a growing sense of anticipation.

The box was divided into two parts. One half is filled with envelopes containing some of the drawings Meteos had made in the past nine years and the other is a smaller cardboard box containing the notes related to his designs. He counted fifteen envelopes, meaning there are fifteen blueprints in this box alone. Picking the leftmost one and opening it with a paper knife, Meteos then spread it wide on the drawing table.

"Oh, how nostalgic," he remarked upon seeing what was drawn on the paper.

This one is one of his first drawings, made shortly after he regained his memories post-reincarnation. It started as a simple drawing to test how far he remembered his knowledge, but after some tweaks here and there, it turned into a proper design drawing by the Holy Milishial Empire's standards. His parents, being civilians unfamiliar with military matters, simply chalked it as their son having too much imagination and gave him words of encouragement and praise. It then snowballed from there.

After finishing reviewing the design and making additional notes to simplify its design and remove unnecessary parts, Meteos folded it back to the envelope and pulled a pencil to mark it, 'Design GP-11,' before proceeding to the next drawing.

"Hmm, a lightweight machine pistol operated using a delayed blowback closed bolt mechanism, firing Imperial Pistol Ammunition and capable of selective fire ranging from single, semi-auto, and full-automatic," he recited the details of the drawing like it's second nature for him. Nine years already passed since he created this drawing but he did not forget even one part of it, as if this creation was just born mere moments ago.

A machine pistol is a weapon that somehow existed in both the otherworlders' home planets despite their vastly different histories. Perhaps both Japan and the Gra Valkas Empire found a place for automatic firearm firing handgun cartridges on the battlefield, called kikan kenjū and maskinpistol, respectively. As for this world, the only firearm similar to them at this era is the Holy Empire's M1600 Self-Loading Carbine (SLC). Meanwhile, Mu will not introduce machine pistols, or mitraillette, as they called them, until the early 1640s.

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