Chapter 46: First Dance

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In the days since the last meeting with the Order, Arthur Arkland had been lamenting, but also dutifully giving a deep thought, about Magister Sorath's words. As usual, whenever he has free time after dinner, he would retreat to a study room that the siblings' late father had passed on to his only son as his own, staring absent-mindedly at the deceased patriarch's watercolor portrait and consuming his box of Lucky Star, hoping that a flash of wisdom would come from somewhere. Smoking has become his habit when he has a lot on his mind, one stick of fag after another, until the room reeks with the stench of tobacco.

Spread on his desk is the four files of the related personnel where in one of them, he could see a portrait of himself with an expression that he wasn't sure why his sister would make fun of it so often. As for the others, there was Robin's, smiling slightly at the camera; the white-haired Person of Interest, Meteos Roguerider, looking solemn despite his overall childish façade; and finally, Go-Daguva-Zeba, one of the rare instances where he wears anything remotely formal.

 As for the others, there was Robin's, smiling slightly at the camera; the white-haired Person of Interest, Meteos Roguerider, looking solemn despite his overall childish façade; and finally, Go-Daguva-Zeba, one of the rare instances where he wear...

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Behind the Ancient Ministry is the 'secret department,' but behind them even more is the Order where Arthur and some others' true affiliation stood. As the hidden pillar that supported the great tree called the Holy Empire like a root from the depths of the earth, the Order is an organization that emphasizes close cooperation between its members. However, even when he was newly inducted, Arthur had already predicted that Daguva would be the source of a disruption in the Order's inner workings. The stag-beetle demi-human's borderline monstrous raw power had led him to not respect anyone weaker than him, Arthur included, and he behaves like a wet-behind-the-ears brat most of the time, alienating his fellow members with his occasional brazenness. Yet, the powerful Magisters sitting at the top of the hierarchy are keen on keeping him within the fold for their own reasons. Fortunately, they are powerful enough that Daguva considers them worthy of respect. Before this, everyone seemed to obey the leadership's words without question, and even Arthur himself was half-concerned that his voicing of long-held grievances to Magister Sorath back then would be seen as challenging the Magisters' authority.

Surprisingly they took it well and even 'allowed' Arthur a task to see if he could change this unruly member's ways. Even though he didn't like it that much and wondered what possessed him to say that back then, in hindsight, of course he should be the one who will be responsible for anything he said in front of the Magisters.

'But most importantly... the Person of Interest's presence seems like a force that draws and binds the three of us individuals together...'

In any case, Magister Sorath had already provided a clue as to how Arthur should approach this situation, now that he had seen Daguva's hidden depths came to light: it turns out that he is fond of children in his own delinquent-like way. The Person of Interest, initially a target of surveillance, now was being considered as an ally to the Order and the goals they pursue. His part is on how he should capitalize on this fact without letting everyone down, nor without pushing Daguva too hard that he will feel threatened and lash out.

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