Crown of the Abyssal Queen

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With a solid impact, and blood pooling the water, Iowa sunk rapidly into the waves, her corpse filling with water quickly and only making her sink faster. Her wheelchair drifted off in another direction, destined to become just another bit of junk resting on the ocean floor.

Down she went, getting deeper and deeper as the sunlight above slowly dimmed away from the depth. Surprisingly, her corpse hit the sands of the ocean floor below, displacing a fair bit of it where she laid.

For several weeks afterwards, her body would be thrown about in any which way by the currents, occasionally being picked at by creatures only to find her skin still somewhat too tough to penetrate with claw and tooth, and left her alone. These weeks only moved her closer and closer to the original intended location the Admirals wanted to dump her...and ultimately, she did make it.

A massive trench, stretching deep into the earth, was stood before her corpse. An arm was hanging on the edge of it's mouth, tempting the flow of nature to take her in fully into the endless dark.

After another day or two, the currents did just that.

Iowa had entered the mouth of the Mariana Trench, and began her descent into the Hadal zone, the realm of unbelievable pressure and danger to any living being on Earth.

She will be safe, but only because of her already being mostly filled with water, and most of her body already being affected negatively by the pressure. All her organs and flesh were squeezed tightly to her, making the once healthy and gorgeous woman look no better than a malnourished corpse.

Sometime later...she had finally hit the bottom.

Nothing truly lived this far down, not anything visible to the naked eye at least. Down in these depths, Iowa's corpse was left entirely alone to the endless black, where only the Earth itself could cradle her.


Then...a crack was heard.

Iowa may be dead, and her cube had lost all it's light, but she wasn't out of the park yet by the looks of it. In her crushed chest, her cube still held it's shape despite the dangers of the outside world...yet now, it began failing itself.


A fault line began spreading on it, chipping away at itself as her cube shattered more and more from the unrelenting pressure of the deep. She made no reaction, death still having taken her away from the mortal world as her most precious thing finally began fading away as well.

Day after day, the cracks grew, slowly spreading across her cube that continued to grow weaker and weaker in this Hell. Then one day, where the fault lines have spread across the cube and finally met...

It shattered entirely.

The now vacant space that once housed a full Wisdom Cube caved in from the pressure of the surroundings, tearing her flesh and allowing those broken fragments to escape to the ocean around her. They sunk to the sands, piercing into them and staying rooted in place around Iowa.


After a week...something changed. One of her fragments began glowing, humming and pulsing as it seemingly began reanimating itself from a long death, and it wasn't alone.

The other shards slowly did the same, filling with energy from something unknown as they began charging and giving life to themselves once more. The shards sparked with bits of black electrical waves, growing closer to the other bits and sticking together.

What other source could do such a thing then the Earth itself? The Magnetic field, usually diverting the harmful rays and radiation of the cosmos, decided to give the unbelievable power it grew away from the Earth to the woman instead, granting her shards life.

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