Wails of the Homebound

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It's done.

Iowa had revealed herself to the world.

Now...what will be the consequences of such actions?

Kiana was in her room at Pearl Harbor, and she just watched the Broadcast of the meeting, confirming for herself that her Queen had finally revealed who she was. She sighed and stood up, already knowing this would be something disastrous to many on base.

She got her hat on, leaving the room to go to one place in particular, that being her friend Enterprise's room. In the time she's been there, she has gained the respect of a number of the Kansen, and was the most trusted of her Officer group by far.

Even then, the war hadn't been kind to them at all. Some have died in battle, with their cubes retrieved for revival...and two of her Officer mates have been killed by the Abyssals.

'It's a sad thing, but I must continue my duty. My Queen needs me for this job, and so, I'll do whatever is needed to get close in and learn everything I can.'

When she made it to Enterprise's room, she leaned close, barely hearing the sounds of a TV. She gently knocked on the door. "Enterprise? It's Kiana, can you open up?"


"Enterprise?" She knocked again, and still didn't receive an answer.

Starting to get a little worried, she jiggled the doorknob, feeling it move, meaning it wasn't locked. She gently pushed open the door, looking in. "Enty?"

There she was, staring at the TV and facing away from her. The current channel was on the news, the very same channel that she had watched earlier to see the results of her Queen's reveal.

"Enty? You okay?" She slowly got closer, soon sitting down on the bed next to her, she looked into her face, and...there was nothing.

She was a blank slate, emotionless, cold, whatever word you wished to use to describe it. She was staring at the reporter, who had just tuned in after the broadcast went worldwide.

"Good morning all, I'm Ally Everick, and today we have some harrowing news to share. Just an hour ago, a conference between the several powers of the Azur lane Alliance met together at the call of Doctor Teiro Akiji, who spoke of something he found relating to the yet known Abyss Queen, the supposed leader of the Abyssals."

Kiana hadn't seen this yet, and so, she gently wrapped an arm around Enterprise to soothe her, who still sat unresponsive, all attention focused on the TV. Something bad had happened, and she could tell it was about Iowa.

"The meeting didn't last long before interruption however, and saw Akiji take to the podium, before a strange portal appeared behind him, not unlike the ones seen from the Sirens, and a person appeared claiming to be the Abyss Queen. She then dominated the floor and seemed to gloat and chastise the leaders, but the words she said near the end of her speech shook all who heard it. Take a listen:"

The camera cut, and it showed from one of the Camera's in the conference room what the Abyss Queen had said. "To all across the world listening in: Your beloved Battleship is back! USS Iowa has risen from the murky waters, and now...? She'll drag you all down with her..."

It cut back to the reporter, who quickly picked up afterwards. "As stated by the Abyss Queen herself, Iowa, who was previously thought dead since a decade ago after aggravated assault and attempted murder of German Kansen Bismarck, seems to have come back from the dead, leading a new enemy against humanity. Many are speculative of her current state, as she appeared mentally unstable in the recording, and further beliefs of the incident a decade ago being a staged and overdone fraud to deal with her are coming back to light. Admiral Sagir of Germany has a few words about the reveal and the accusations to say."

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