The Fall

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"Seattle, slow down! We can't keep up with you at this rate!"

"I can't slow down, not now!"

Helena sighed, only trying her best to keep up as Seattle pushed herself faster and faster, going ahead of the rest of the group towards their destination. At first, you would be right to question why the usually bubbly and cherry Seattle was so adamant and serious to get anywhere, especially when she's usually the one lazing about...

Well, when word finally got out about what was happening to her city, the one she called her own, it's natural she bolted out of base even without others. This quick response group was of Seattle, Helena, Javelin, Kirishima, and Bismarck surprisingly.

The first three were somewhat obvious, Helena chasing after Seattle, and Javelin being the naturally kind and helpful girl she is followed along to help. Kirishima and Bismarck though, they both had differing reasons.

The relations between all sides was strong these days, but everyone was always looking for ways to "tighten a knot" so to speak. Kirishima took that opportunity first and hopped with Javelin to assist, and Bismarck...well, it was mostly because she was in the area where Seattle charged off from, and she valued human lives far more than most would think, so she went to assist.

This formation, even with several experienced girls, lacks one of the most crucial elements of naval battle: Air Superiority. If they find a group of Sirens attacking that have planes, they knew they were in for a rough time, but it's the best they got in such a short window, and they needed to make due, especially with the bull at the front.

"Seattle!" Helena sighed as she realized that the girl really won't be slowing down. "Seriously..."

"If anything, I'm sure she's confident we can be there to help her right?" Javelin tried cheering Helena up, which earned her a smile from the Cruiser.

Kirishima and Bismarck were lagging behind somewhat, due to their speeds compared to the rest, but they still kept pace enough to not get separated. Kirishima broke the ice between the two, especially with how quiet Bismarck intended to be.


"So what?"

"Do you think there will be many to save once we get to Seattle? you think we're too late?"

"...I can only hope we aren't."

Away from the rest, these two sailed on in silence afterwards, unable to think of much else than the coming horror that they know will be there waiting for them. Sirens have attacked cities before, but cutting out connection entirely and leaving the city in the dark...that's a new one.

They're expecting a bloodbath when they arrive.

Soon, flames appeared in the horizon, and Seattle blasted forward, away from Helena and Javelin again. They struggled to keep up as Seattle burned herself down, tears pricking her eyes while buildings crumbled and broke down in the distance.

They arrived at the city, and they saw nothing but destruction. Hopping to land, Seattle herself broke into a sprint, hustling down the streets without a care for the crumbling ruins around her. "Hello?! Anyone still alive?! We're Kansen, we're here to help!"

"Seattle, slow down! We don't know if there are any Sirens still here!" Javelin caught up to her fairly quickly, Helena lagging behind while the two in the back just barely made it to shore.

"If there are any Sirens still around, they're doing a good job at hiding from her radar. So long as Helena is careful, we have little to fear here." Bismarck kept her rigging out as she stepped to land, a close eye on her surroundings incase of some sort of ambush.

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