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"Welcome to Pearl Harbor Newbies! If you look to your right, you'll see everyone waving and greeting you to your new home." Cleveland had a headset on, a big grin complimenting her narration to the new Officers aboard as they approached Hawaii.

As she said, there were quite a few Kansens on the Docks waving to the approaching group, most sporting smiles while some were more reserved yet still seemingly happy. The Officers all waved back, Kiana keeping a close eye on the many faces present, seeing if they were important members of the Factions or not.

It did seem like two important figures were there with them, one of which was Yat Sen, who she didn't know exactly why was at Pearl Harbor and not back in China, but she could probably ask, and the other was Enterprise. While not the figurehead of the American Kansens, she's without a doubt the most iconic and famous for her capabilities.

In fact, she has the highest kill count of Abyssals last she checked.

The walkway came to docks, and they all got off one by one, Kiana once again at the back of the line. Most of the Officers went to introduce themselves to the girls, Kiana instead standing near the Admiral, who was simply biding time for his own entrance.

"Sure you don't want to say hello at least?"

"Sir, there isn't a point to do it right now. I'll wait till the others finish up, that way they aren't overwhelmed with meeting several at once."

"So you care for their personal space?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Admiral Reyard smiled, patting her shoulder as the other Officers slowly cleared out and were taken on a further tour by Cleveland and the others who escorted them. When the Officers were gone, the girls all stepped forward and saluted to Reyard.

"At ease Ladies." At his words, they all dropped the salutes, relaxing their posture as he gently pushed Kiana forward. "Firstly, as the last Officer who didn't introduce herself directly..."

She cleared her throat, seeing all their eyes fall into her. "My name is Kiana Kaslana, I hope we can all get along."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Yat Sen, Acting Head of the Chinese Kansen forces."

"I'm sorry for asking, but what are you doing in Pearl Harbor then?"

She smiled, probably more than use to that question. "I'm here on business, and will be returning to my home in a few weeks. Until then, I'll be in you and your comrades' care."

Yat Sen bowed to Kiana in formal greeting, but what she nor the others expected was for Kiana to do it back, in near perfect form too. "Then I'll take care of you, you have my word."

"My, it seems you are quite the charismatic speaker Miss Kaslana." The Officer turned to see another face, one that shared her hair and eye color, while also gracing her with a beautiful smile. "Before we continue, I am Illustrious, it's good to meet you Officer."

"Good to meet you too." Her eyes drifted lower, past her chest thankfully, as she noticed something else behind the Carrier.

It seems her gaze was followed, as Illustrious calmly moved to the side, exposing the little purple haired girl hiding behind her. She was holding a stuffed toy of a Unicorn, and was staring at Kiana with a strange mix of confusion and happiness.

"Miss Kaslana, this is Unicorn. She's grown attached to me as a Big Sister ever since...well, she lost her original figure for one." The little pause definitely meant it hit close to home, but Kiana wasn't worried about that and instead kept her gaze level with Unicorn.

The little girl was clearly beloved by many, and that could be seen as the others were keeping a close eye on their interaction. The gears turned in her head, and she then decided to take this forward to gain their acceptance.

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