Bloodied Hallow

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The Hunter

Screaming...screaming and yelling everywhere.

The Kansen were firing on the Abyssals, the Abyssals were firing on them, and with the planes overhead buzzing and shooting only adding on, it's no wonder the screams could barely be heard. Yet they kept coming, they kept rising and lowering as time went on.

The reason was right in front of them.

A man was guiding several people towards a building, some managing to see his insistence and running inside before he closed the door, as the thing they were running from was approaching. They went silent as the screams continued, and people ran from the central parts of town, the least guarded by the Kansen, and towards the outskirts.

That's when they saw the Abyssal.

She ran past the door chasing down many of the fleeing civilians and crushing them into paste soon as she reached them. Heads split, torsos gouged, spines many gruesome and horrible ways to die, and all of them by a single woman, leaving the streets lined with corpses and blood.

Then it all went quiet...and the Clop of Hooves slowly approached the door, making many inside back away from the door and hold their breathes as the sound slowed. The house was dark, and they stuck to the shadows as the Abyssal walked past it, looking into the building with her single glowing red eye, scanning around while they stood still as corpses themselves.

Her eye soon left the window and continued on, slowly calming the nerves of the occupants. They let out the breathes they didn't know they were holding, one man even chuckled as he leaned against the wall, out of breathe despite not having actually ran anywhere.

Before a hand came through the wall, and grabbed his throat tight.

They all spun to the sound of the wall breaking, and they watched as the Abyssal's hand was reaching through, before pulling hard and tearing the man's throat, leaving him to die a slow death. The wall was, however, soon blasted open, and they screamed as the one eyed Abyssal stepped through the broken wall.

"Well...thought you could hide hm? Sadly for you all, I'm pretty good at hide and seek."

Haku smirked, her tail raising as the guns loaded to fire. "And you've been caught~."

"It's gotta be that way!"

A small group of Kansen broke away from the main fight, all selected after the news came to them that a certain one eyed Re-class was running through the city killing everyone in sight. The group consisted of the four sisters of the Cleveland class, Johnston, and their heavy support in the form of Kii.

All of them had volunteered and were given permission, and there were two reasons split between them for why. For the Americans, they wanted to take down the Re and keep the civilians safe from further harm...and Kii was well known to have lost to the Abyssal before, and horrendously tortured before finally being allowed to die.

Needless to say, she was aching for revenge.

"Where could that bastard be..." Kii looked all around her, the two ears she had pivoting and spinning to try and hear any hoof steps to alert them of where Haku was.

The Americans kept close behind her, covering her while assisting the search. They had every gun lined up and ready to fire, searching all around to cover their bases so the Re couldn't get the drop on them.

Kii continued on, moving wordlessly past the corpses of dozens while keeping her eyes peeled for the target of her ire. Yet, even as they passed scores of bodies that piled through the streets, where small pools of blood were already beginning to collect, there was still no sign of the Re.

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