The Apex Four

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Looking around the strange Palace, Siara was taking in the sights of her new home with wonder and amazement. She heard from Iowa herself that she was a princess now, and she couldn't believe that she was going to be living in this place with her.

The halls were ornate and decorated, but more in a deep sea life style than a usual castle. The color of the place was a deeper blue, even when no light was around to highlight the place, both she and all Abyssals could see just fine with their vision.

"Siara" Her attention went to Iowa, her new mother, who was looking down to her as they walked. "I'll be introducing you to a few people that you'll need to get friendly with."

"Are they important?"

"They are. If you want, you could say they're much like my...let's go with Officers." She said no more, continuing down the hall with Siara.

The little girl turned Abyssal looked at Iowa's hand for a moment, reaching out to grab it just as Iowa raised it up herself. "Just in here Siara, I gathered them already so you can meet them."

Even if she was a bit disappointed she couldn't grab her hand, she shook it off and waited for her to open the door so she can go in. The door slowly opened with basically no sound, only the turning of the knob alerting those inside the room to the door opening.

Siara was able to see it herself, as the four in the room, all sitting around a small table seemingly meant for dinner, stood up and bowed, all in slightly different ways too. Iowa stepped in, so she followed in as well.

"Siara, from left to right, I'll introduce you. Starting with Deino."

The figure on the left was a woman with short black hair, wearing a swimsuit and clearly was a Ri-class. There were some differences between her and the usual Ri though, such as her more slim appearance compared to the usually bulkier and more stocky look of the class.

"Good to see you in fair health my Queen, and who is this?" Her voice was smooth, yet still sounded rougher than someone like her would have. As expected of the Ri-class, the brawlers.

"This is Siara, a new Abyssal, and our new little princess."

Deino bowed time Siara, putting a hand to her chest. "An honor to meet you."

Iowa tapped Siara's shoulder, gaining her attention. "So you know now, all four here have differences to their usual counterparts Siara. For example, Deino here is much more soft spoken and leaner than the usual Ri-class, but it serves valuably as a tactician. She's more keen on the thoughts for a fight rather than the fight itself."

Deino sat back down, and the next in line, a Chi-class, stood silent. She looked between the two of them, not uttering a word.

With the silence, Iowa cleared her throat and spoke up. "This is Ceris, a Chi-class who had an odd mutation with her weaponry, and it formed into a much more horse like figure. She's just as capable as the other Chi's, but she seems to have more discipline and smarts under her belt, and she serves as an instructor and assistant to Deino in planning and strategy."

"Okay...but why doesn't she talk?"

"All Chi-class are mute."

"Oh..." Shaking that sad thought out of her head, Siara turned to the third figure, who had a large hat with a mouth on. "Who are you?"

"I'm Willo, a Wo-class who not only has greater intelligence than most of my kind, but enough to make it to the point of most human geniuses. I serve as the Queen's aide in research of our people and what can be done to improve in areas we lack, as well as general information gathering." The Wo-class had soft orange eyes, and she smiled to Siara after she was done explaining everything to her.

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