9 Years Ago...

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Scurrying through the ocean, a lone Hagfish was busy picking at the corpses of creatures that fell dead from the waters above. It was a bottom feeder, unable to catch it's own prey effectively enough to even try, so it preyed upon those that can no longer fight back.

Moving just above the ocean bed, it swam along, scurrying through large bits of metal that it wouldn't bother knowing, only serving as cover against predators. In fact, these metal sheets were everywhere, and some were glowing softly while others were not, but it did not matter to it.

Something moved quickly, and the Hagfish sprang into action, quickly secreting massive amounts of what they're known for: their slime. Just in time too, as a tentacle belonging to an Octopus was close to securing it as a meal.

Darting away, it kept pace as to not let it's predator get any closer, preferring it to stay far away while it traveled home. All around it, the environment slowly changed, and underwater rivers began to appear.

Underwater rivers do not exist, naturally, but that's only if you consider water. No, these rivers are filled with brine, high density saltwater, heavier than normal water around it that rests in these so called "rivers".

Not many creatures can survive them, Hagfish included, but the home for this Hagfish provides the safety to defend against these elements. It was found by it's parent, and it was born there, and until rooted out, that's where it's children shall be laid as well.



The dive below the brine was never a pleasant one, and unless it retreated to safer waters quickly, it would perish. Thankfully for it, it knew where it's home was, and the entrance was just ahead.

The entrance was somewhat small, but it was effective at making sure no other creature could attempt to make it's way inside...it was a truly safe space for it and it's fellows. The nest was warm as well, and going down into the entrance was a tough squeeze, but it was doable.

It was a good home.

The Hagfish disappeared into the entrance of it's home, which we see is a mouth...the mouth of a human. The bulge going down their neck marks the Hagfish's progress, before it vanished as it settled inside their stomach.

Across the entire body of the human, small bumps could be seen where the Hagfish would move around, and other parts where they would leave their body in search of food. However, the body was also in horrid condition as well...

Toes and fingers gone completely, having been bitten off as food once they rotted away enough. Sickly pale skin that gave away at the slightest touch, which was indeed what happened across most of their body.

Much of the skin was torn apart, exposing the tissue underneath, which was mostly rotted away as well, save for some strips of flesh still clinging to their person. In some areas, the weak and dry muscles could be seen...or even bones, which were broken apart and eaten down to get to the marrow of.

Some holes existed that went into their body as well, showing the horrors of their pest infestation. Many internals, such as the Liver, pancreas, Gallbladder, some of their Lungs, and even a part of their heart, were eaten, leaving open space in their body in which Hagfish swam and nestled, breeding in the safety of their chest cavity.

Going up, the mounds on their chest, indicating this person to be female, were ripped in some places, and bumpy in others. The cause of this strange state in her breasts was easy to determine: Her breasts were used as the nesting for the eggs.

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