Blue Above, Black Below

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It was night and day, the way both Abyss born were treated and seen. Not only that, but their "pull" was also drastically different than their twin.

Kiana, once she woke up, already had all the finesse and qualities of a beautiful human girl, which immediately gave points to both Iowa and the Abyssals who knew of her purpose and reasons around. Thanks to her words, and her asking, she was able to get both her and her sister Oni, two rooms right next to each other.

However, moving to the black sheep, Oni had comparatively nothing to her name. She had failed her purpose without even being given a chance to attempt it, and at every turn, she tried her best to commit herself to something that could prove useful for Iowa.

"Is this really what you're capable of?! I expected more from one made of The Queen's blood!" A Ri-class had her arms crossed, staring down at the currently recovering lump that was Oni.

Here was just another attempt at finding something to fit in: Fighting.

Oni rubbed her cheek, feeling the bruise from the Ri's hit as she stood to continue their square off. Physical fights were common down in the Abyss, they were always to assert leads and higher members of smaller groups, as a way to categorize themselves among their peers.

Unfortunately, when Oni asked for a chance to prove herself, this rule was thrown out in favor of beating the shit out of her.

"I won't be giving in that easy..." She raised her hands, balling them into fists and getting into a basic boxing stance. "I don't know what I did to earn your anger, but I won't be sitting here and taking it..."

"Tch...of course you don't know, idiot. You failed our Queen so quickly and easily, and it was all because you were born incorrectly!" The Ri went in, a punch to her face that was redirected away before the taller Oni backed off.

"Hah! Even now you're running away! The Queen will never find a use for a spineless coward like you."

Oni grit her teeth, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves so she didn't lash out at the Abyssal. She only raised her hands again, narrowing her eyes and getting into her stance again.

Unknown to her, Iowa was watching from a fair distance, her eyes tracking everything she did and silently wondering several things about her fighting capabilities. Oni was clearly tough, far tougher than Kiana ever was, and she had basic understanding of combat even when she wasn't trained or given any sort of pointers for it.

'So you aren't a're a Warrior.' Iowa's eyes sparked with interest, leaning in to watch the ensuing battle.

The Ri class scoffed at her style, quickly rushing in with her first strike going as a feint to a gut punch. Oni didn't realize it and was hit, but even as the Ri's fist slammed into her stomach, she only responded with a grunt from the impact, holding strong.

"Oh? Looks like you're built tough at least."

Again, Oni didn't say anything, and when the Ri tried going for a second punch, she ducked around it, her red eye flashing to a Golden color as her own strike whipped through the air, nailing her in the chin. Unlike with her hit, the Ri was sent up in the air, the impact echoing around with the sheer force she hit with.

Iowa's eyes tracked the punch and the style she did it in, and all the way from the minute ways she's spread her feet apart, all the way to the heavy uppercut, all was...familiar. Without even realizing, her eyes were slowly turning purple at the sight, her original colors shining through once more as she noticed how Oni was compared to Kiana.

'You're awfully familiar with that...almost like...'

She grunted, a hand going to her head again as a painful migraine rocked her. Her hand dug into the wall, leaving finger trails from her grip before she went still once more, her eyes opening to reveal their full gold once again.

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