Chapter 15: Love Buzz

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After we left the club, Dean and I returned to the hotel and went to bed. I know you're probably wondering why we didn't do anything. Well, I told Dean that I wasn't feeling well, and that wasn't exactly a lie.

I'm actually pregnant.

Yes, I know it's fucked up, but I'm pregnant with Seth's rape baby. I was nauseous for a few days afterwards and I finally got a pregnancy test. It read positive.

It's only been a few weeks since then, but I already have a small bump forming. Seth hasn't noticed, neither has Dean or Roman thankfully. But I planned on telling them today.

'We need to talk. Meet me in my room.' I texted Roman and Dean.

I waited for a few minutes, then heard heavy knocking. I let them in, answering the 20 or so questions they threw at me.

"Well then what is it?" Roman said.

"I'm pregnant." I said, crossing my arms.

It was silent. Dean's face got red and his hands formed tight fists. Roman wasn't sure what to say. He didn't know about the rape, so he didn't have a reason to get upset.

"Wow. Does Seth know?" Roman said, running a hand through his hair.


Roman nodded, glancing at Dean. I had an idea of what I could do, but it was far too violent for Roman to hear. I had to get him away from the situation so I could tell Dean.

"Roman, could you maybe run out and pick me up some Advil? I'm having a terrible headache." I said, faking a migraine.

He nodded and left eagerly. He'll make a great father one day.

"So what do you want to do about this?" Dean asked the minute the door closed.

"I have an idea, but I'll need your help."

"I'll do anything. Just tell me what I have to do." Dean replied quickly.

"How about you and I... get rid of it?" I quietly said, looking directly in Dean's eyes.

"Like an abortion?"

"No. I mean like an accident. What if we didn't know that I was pregnant, and you just so happened to make me lose it?" I said, inching closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well, that does sound like a better option. What do I get out of this?" Dean said, smirking as his hands found my ass.

"The best gift of all."

Dean looked at me confused.

"Me." I replied, smiling.

Dean grinned before pulling me in for a kiss. We began making out, tongue and all, and it was getting intense. Dean picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked over to the kitchen. He placed me gently on the counter, shoving food and plates out of the way.

"Dean..." I whispered as he ripped my shirt down the middle, exposing my bra and bare stomach.

He ignored me and continued, much to my displeasure. I don't think we can have sex if I'm pregnant, and Roman was due back any minute. Dean didn't seem to care though, as his hands grabbed my breasts and his mouth attacked mine.

Don't get me wrong, I wanna fuck Dean as much as he wants to fuck me, but now is definitely not the time.

Dean unzipped his jeans as the door opened, but he still didn't stop. My hands ran through his hair, and I couldn't seem to keep myself away from him, despite the fact that someone was now watching us.

"What the hell?" Seth said loudly.

Fuck. It was Seth, not Roman.

Dean pulled away, smirking. He winked at me before turning around and walking towards Seth. I noticed Seth's eyes glance at my ripped shirt and Dean's open jeans.

"If you touch her again, I'll kill you." Dean said breathlessly before leaving the room.

Seth looked at me with anger filled eyes, but he didn't act. He just walked into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. I took a deep breath, hopping off of the counter. I cleaned up the kitchen before entering the bedroom.

Seth was sitting on the bed, watching TV with a blank expression. I frowned as I sat next to him.

"Seth, can I ask you something?" I softly said.

"Yeah." He responded.

"What happened to us? I thought we had something special here. I really loved you." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Nothing happened, Scar. Things have always been this way." Seth simply said, not tearing his eyes away from the television.

I rolled my eyes before getting up from the bed and locking myself in the bathroom. I ran the shower and got in without thinking of the temperature. After washing my hair and body, I just stood under the water and thought about everything.

My life suddenly became nothing but drama once I signed that stupid contract. I love working here, but I don't think I can handle this shit anymore.

I'm in love with Dean, and I honestly see myself with him for the rest of my miserable life, but I still care deeply for Seth. No matter what he did to me, I'll still see him as the cutie that likes moshing and wrestling.

But then again, maybe I should just say fuck it and forget about Seth completely. He did beat and rape me. Seth isn't worth a damn second of my time anymore.

But Dean is.

Dean has helped me through everything and he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him. After seeing the shit that Seth will easily do to me, I have no doubt in my mind on who I want.

The only problem left is getting rid of this fucking rape baby.

* * *

Long time no see! Haha! Last few chapters guys. It's all coming full circle!




Till next time!

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