Chapter 2: Lounge Act

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  • Dedicated to Erin Parks

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up early the next morning. Groaning, I reach over and answer it.

"Hey girlie! Good morning!" Brie says, her voice sounding as sweet as always. Brie and I have known each other since she became my mentor down at NXT. We became very close friends, bonding over our similar loves and interests.

"Good morning, Brie! What's up?" I ask, lazily getting out of bed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for some coffee? It's right next to this awesome antique store I found. Maybe we can go shopping afterwards?" She says, already knowing the answer. Brie and I go antiquing in every city we go to; it's basically part of the daily routine.

"Of course! Just let me get dressed and I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Alrighty. See ya later."

I hang up the phone and head for the shower. 15 minutes later, I put on a beautiful tan crochet dress with matching gladiator sandals. I accessorize with gold bracelets and a chain necklace with a heart shaped pendant. I straighten my hair before adding a rhinestoned headband and leaving for the elevator.

Minutes later, I arrive in the lobby and see Brie patiently waiting as she talks to her fiancé, Daniel Bryan. I had always envied their relationship, I mean who didn't? They were perfect for each other.

"Hey Brie." I say, walking over to Brie and giving her a hug. I hug Daniel next, his muscles giving me a tight squeeze.

"You're going to LOVE this place, Scarlett." Brie says as we start walking to the parking garage. "I'm sure I will. There hasn't been one store I disliked so far."

Most of the antique stores we visited in the more foreign parts of the world were plain out amazing. They always had such beautiful, unique, classic items you can't find now a days.

After a short drive, we arrive at a small coffee shop and go inside, taking in the amazing scent of fresh coffee beans. I sit in a small booth, followed by Brie and Daniel sitting in the opposite side. A young waitress comes over and takes our order of 3 caramel macchiatos, plus an egg sausage sandwich for Daniel.

"So how's the wedding planning coming along?" I ask.

"We have everything ready except for the food that's going to be served at the reception. Daniel thinks we should go with the backyard BBQ; ribs, steak, burgers. I think we should go with something a little classier like broiled chicken and salmon." Brie says, pausing suddenly. I notice both of them staring holes through me and realize they want me to decide.

"Why don't you do both? I mean, that's basically what you're doing when you get married. Mixing two different things together." I say, unsure of what side to take. Of course Daniel was going to want something a little more "manly", and Brie was going to want something more feminine. That's just how they were.

"That's a perfect idea, Scarlett! Man, sometimes I wish you were my maid of honor instead of Nikki. She doesn't help with anything." Brie says, her sweet voice slipping into a sad mumble.

I roll my eyes at the mention of her sister. Nikki was everything I hated about women. Just the flashy, up in your face, pay attention to me now, attitude alone was horrendous. Not to mention the damage she did to her body getting those breast implants. Now she shows them off like they're natural and gets TV time for it, much like most of the Divas in the locker room.

"I know it must be hard doing all of this by yourself. It's unfortunate, really. You know that I can help with whatever you need, right?" I ask, unsure if Brie even wanted my help considering she never asks for it.

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