Chapter 11: Paper Cuts

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Extreme Rules. The one Pay Per View out of the year that everyone knew would get bloody. Thankfully, I didn't have a match tonight. I had to escort The Shield to the ring and do commentary for their match against Evolution. This feud has been brewing since Wrestlemania, and tonight, it was finally going to spill over.

Everything was going alright with the men in my life; Roman and Dean had cleaned everything up with Seth, Dean and I began talking again. He's still denying what happened at the concert, but it's okay. The only problem I still have is with Seth. We haven't really talked since that day. He is still blaming for the whole thing, which I think is complete bullshit.

We were now waiting behind the curtain, the sound of the fans adding more anxiety to my mind. Roman and Dean were ahead of us, talking amongst themselves, while Seth and I stood there awkwardly. I wanted him to say something, anything, that would make be believe he didn't hate me. But of course, he remained his same silent self.



Roman and Dean lead us down the stairs and into the mass of fans surrounding us. I swear, they've multiplied since Wrestlemania.

* * *
We returned backstage after a successful victory against Evolution. Just to be safe, we stopped by the trainer's room to make sure everyone was alright. Thankfully, no one had any major injuries and we were free to leave.

"We need to talk." Seth says as we enter our locker room. Dean and Roman understandingly wait in the hallway.

Seth closes the door and stands in front of it with a pissed off look.

"What the hell did you tell Dean to get him so pissed off at me?" He yells.

Great, it's going to be one of those conversations.

"I just told him what you did to me after I spent the night in his room."

He ran a hand over his messy hair. "What the hell is wrong with you? You nearly got me killed by that psycho!"

"What's wrong with you?! Last time I checked, you were the one that put his hands on me. Maybe if you weren't such a dumbass, things like this wouldn't happen to you."

"If you're weren't such a stuck up bitch, you wouldn't need to be brought down a few levels." Seth remarks.

I looked at him with amazement. Who knew Seth had that in him? Hell, who knew he had any of this in him?

"You know what, Seth? Fuck you and fuck this relationship. I'm done with all of this. I don't know why I was ever attracted to you. You're nothing more than a bastard who doesn't deserve me."

Seth chuckles, "You're hilarious, Scarlett! You honestly think any of that bothers me?"

I tear my eyes away from his and look at the ground. Seth was always very confident in himself and I knew that I needed him more than he needed me.

Seth walks closer to me. "I don't think you realize that if I wanted to, I could leave you alone in a pile of blood and tears and nobody would even care. You know why? Because you're nothing more than a desperate slut looking for attention and everyone is sick of you."

"Seth, get away from me!"

"And if I don't?" Seth asks, tempting me.

Without thinking, I punch him right in the jaw. He stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance. Seth looks up at me with devilish eyes while he spits blood at my feet.

I stood there terrified until Seth gave me a hard punch to the nose. I fell the the ground and held my nose, which was loosing what seemed like gallons of blood every second.

"This is what happens when you put your hands on me. Don't do it again!" Seth growls at me before storming out of the locker room.

Dean and Roman immediately rush in and help me. They were certain that my nose was broken. I couldn't hold back anymore. I finally broke down in Roman's arms.

Dean cleaned up the blood from the ground and somehow got my nose to stop bleeding.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"I don't know, but he's not going to be bothering you anymore." Dean answers.

"Dean, you can't attack him again. That's why this happened." I say, pointing to my nose.

"We can't just let him get away with this. Maybe Hunter or Stephanie can help us." Roman suggests.

"Hunter isn't going to say shit about it and Stephanie is far too busy with more important things." I say.

We all exchange glances of frustration as we sit in silence.

There isn't anything we can do, is there?

* * *




Till next time!

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