Chapter 3: Stay Away

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  • Dedicated to Erin Parks

Paige and I watched backstage as Kane opened up Raw. "What do you think he's going to say?" I ask, feeling worried. Stephanie and Triple H were never really fans of mine, and I'm sure me disobeying them put me higher on their hate list.

"I don't know." Paige says, never breaking eye contact with the screen. She was still upset with me because of what happened last week. It's not my fault she decided to share the blame with me.

"As Director of Operations, I have the privilege of deciding punishments for those who disobey. Last week on Smackdown, Paige and Scarlett went against The Authority's rules. Tonight, they will suffer the consequences. That being said, tonight's main event will be The Shield and Scarlett VS New Age Outlaws, Paige, and me."

The crowd begins cheering as Kane leaves the ring, arriving back stage seconds later. "Good luck tonight, girls." He says before disappearing down the hall. Not long after, The Shield shows up backstage, Seth surprisingly looking distraught. "What's wrong?"

Seth just ignored my question and walked in the same direction Kane had went. "He doesn't want you involved with our fued." Roman says. Dean starts laughing, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. "Oh come on, Roman. Why don't you just tell her the truth?"

"Yeah Roman. Why don't you tell me the truth." I say, crossing my arms. He glares at Dean before answering. "Kane told us that he was going to add a stipulation to our match." I raise my eyebrow, knowing he wasn't telling me the truth. "Alright, fine. He said to wrestle whoever was on the other side of the ring, even if it was Paige. I think he wants it to be a real mixed tag match."

My jaw drops as I hear Paige gasp behind me. I couldn't fight the guys! Also, Paige didn't deserve this; it was my fault and making her do this could damage her career. "Are you kidding? They're going to kill me!" I complain, earning an eye roll from Dean. He didn't seem to like me too much.

I suddenly take off toward Kane's office, ignoring Paige and Roman's questions. There had to be something I could do. I couldn't let them do this to Paige. Or me. I storm into the room and interrupt Seth, who by the looks of it, was very angry.

"You can't do this. I understand you want to punish Paige and I but not like this. She just debuted here. She's barely ready for the Divas division let alone The Shield! And surely I'm no newbie, but there's no way in hell I can wrestle you old bastards. I suggest you either take Paige and I out of the match, or change the rules back to normal. You have a few hours to decide." With that said, Seth and I leave his office.

As we begin walking back to the TV's, I hear Seth's adorable laughter. "What's so funny?" I ask, realizing that nothing humorous was happening at the moment. "You. What you just said in there was golden." He answers around his recurring laughs.

I couldn't help but smile as we returned to Paige, Dean, and Roman. They suddenly grow silent, leaving Seth and I awkwardly laughing. "Yeah, I think you two are right." Paige says before heading to the locker room. "What is she talking about? Where are you two going?" I ask Dean and Roman as they too leave for the locker room, laughing.

Well then.

* * *

The Shield and I were waiting backstage, just mere minutes before our match was going to start. Paige has been a mess since Kane decided not to change the rules. I couldn't blame her; she's never been in a situation like this, and she didn't deserve it. Now she had a chance of getting severely hurt so soon in her career.

"Hey Scarlett." Billy Gunn says as he approaches me. "You know, it's sad that a pretty girl like yourself has gotten into trouble with The Authority. It's not too late to join us." He says, toying with a strand of my flaming red hair. "She doesn't want your handouts, douchebag. Why don't you go back to your little butt buddies and leave her alone?" Seth says.

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