Chapter 9: About a Girl

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As soon as the door closed, Dean removed his hand from my arm.

"Are you okay?" He questions.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you by the way."

Dean just shrugged it off and sat on the couch. He had a hint of sadness and hate in his eyes, something he was desperately trying to hide. Maybe there was more behind these feelings. Wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

"Dean, why are you so upset? Can you somehow relate to all of this? I've been wondering since you found me after what happened with Brock. You seem like you have experience with this kind of thing for some reason." I worriedly ask.

Dean's eyes meet mine with a look of utter despair and pain. "My mom was in an abusive relationship. She needed help with the bills, so she started dating this douche bag with a trust fund. I hated that guy with everything. The only good thing he did was buy us a decent house and car. It was hard sitting there, just watching him do whatever he wanted to her, like he owned her or something. I don't think he realized just how strong I was until I beat him to a bloody pulp."

Well. That's definitely not what I was expecting.

"I'm sorry you both had to go through that. But why did Seth bring that reaction out in you just now, if you don't mind me asking."

"When he grabbed your arm, he had that same look of disgust on his face as the douche that used to hit my mother." Dean states. "Maybe he wouldn't have done anything this time, but I know for sure he was going to snap eventually."

We sat in a room of awkward silence before a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Wait a minute. Why would Seth even associate with Hunter after what we did tonight?"

Dean let out an exasperated sigh. "That's what I was trying to explain to you. It doesn't make sense. They have to be planning something."

I stood up and started for the door, Dean's hand in mine stopping me in my tracks. I'm not going to lie, I felt sparks.

"You need sleep. It's been a long night." Dean says sympathetically.

He lazily pulled me into his room, throwing the covers back on his bed so I could get comfortable. I watched as he gathered some extra blankets and pillows and pulled the nearby couch into a bed.

"Thank you for actually giving a shit about me, Dean." I whispered as I sunk into the massive blankets that reeked of lemon.

"Well someone has to. Now go to sleep." He grumbles.

A smile spread on my face before I finally rested for the night.

* * *

The smell of freshly cooked eggs and bacon woke me from my deep slumber. I lazily crawled from the warm bed and into the kitchen, where I saw Dean with multiple plates of delicious food. Dean, of course, was too busy stuffing his face to notice me walk in.

"You can cook?" I ask, slightly startling him.

He chuckles, "Hell no. Room service."

I made myself a plate before sitting at the small dining table. Dean sat across from me and finished the small amount of food on his plate, making me feel highly uncomfortable being the only one eating. Dean pulled out his iPhone and began playing WWE Supercard (yes, really) while I ate.

"You wanna go to the gym later?" I ask.

Dean shrugs, his eyes glued on his phone. "Nothing better to do."

After putting my dishes in the sink, I leave for Seth's room. He had some explaining to do.

* * *

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