Chapter 18: Turnaround

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I lost two liters of blood. All from one measly frog splash. One, almost two, lives gone from one stupid move. Yes, it was dangerous, but it was the only way.

Keeping the baby only would've forced Seth and I closer together. An abortion would've made Seth abuse me more, and surely would've gotten me in some kind of trouble with the suits. An accident seemed like the only way to go. I need Seth to hate me and finally grant me the one thing I've wanted for months now; a breakup.

The only problem? Seth doesn't hate me. He's been at my side since it happened, and now he won't leave me alone. Seth's hand hasn't left mine, and he refuses to allow Dean or even Roman in my room.

"You didn't know that you were pregnant?" Seth questioned with tears in his eyes.

"No. I wasn't even showing, my period was right on time. It just doesn't make sense." I explained, trying my hardest to sound upset.

Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond upset that I just had to do that to an innocent baby, but my anger and hatred towards Seth overpowered that.

Seth kissed my hand, "I know, I know. Don't stress yourself out, cuddle bunny. We're going to get through this."

My mouth gaped open as the words left Seth's mouth. Cuddle bunny? I haven't been that since the first night we were together. That's probably not even right, but my mind is far too confused to remember the accurate date.

"Hunter, Stephanie, Vince, they're all outside that door and super worried about you. I'm going to request some time off so I can help you heal."

Before I could react, Seth jumped up and left the room. I tried reaching for my phone on the sliding table next to my bed, but I simply couldn't muster up the strength. I needed Dean in here, I needed him to help me out. Two thirds of our plan are going great, now I just need the final part.

My door popped open again, this time Dean entering instead of Seth.

"Dean! Get over here!" I exclaimed with a raspy voice.

Dean walked over and lightly hugged me before sitting on my bed, his hand resting on my legs.

"Look, I'm not sure how much time I have. As I'm sure you've figured out, Seth doesn't hate you. I don't know what to do." Dean quickly said.

"Dean, all I wanted this entire time was you. I think that's why we hated each other at first, because we've never had feelings so strong for someone else before. No matter what, I'm going to figure out a way to make this right. We're going to be together, Dean. I love you." I said, reassuring him before planting a quick kiss on his lips.

Dean luckily pulled away as the door opened once again. Seth finally made his way back, and he was absolutely furious.

"What the hell is he doing in here? I have you banned, Ambrose!" Seth screamed, stalking over to the bed.

"Seth, stop! I want him here!" I yelled, stopping Seth dead in his tracks.

"You seriously want the bastard who killed our baby in here?"

"Yes, Seth, I do. He was just apologizing to me before you walked in."

Seth glanced between us before taking his seat, "Well I'd like to hear it as well, considering I was the damn father."

Dean lightly smirked before patting my leg and leaving. Seth glared at him the entire time, his thoughts probably clouded with hate.

"The doctors say it will take you quite some time to recover, especially since you lost so much blood. I took off a few months, so I'll at least be there for most of it."

"Seth, I don't want you to take time off, and I don't want you to sit there and keep me away from my friends. Dean had to sneak in here for god's sake." I confessed with a sigh.

"Are you kidding me? You're still friends with that piece of shit, even after what he did? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Seth exclaimed.

"Nothing. Unlike you, I don't just drop people at the first sign of trouble, or inconvenience to me. I enjoy Dean's company, and I don't think he should be punished for my stupidity."

Seth stood from his chair and began pacing, "You've got to be kidding me, right? Now you're going to blame yourself?"


"No, Scarlett! This was not your fault, in any way, shape, or form. Dean is the only bastard at blame here."

I stopped myself from interjecting again, instead finding comfort in the silence. Seth took his seat and reached for my hand, but I quickly took it away before he could touch it. I finally grabbed my phone and unlocked it, finding four messages from Dean.

'I need to see you.'

'I can't believe how terrible this went. It wasn't supposed to be this bad.'

'Is Seth still there? I can hear shouting.'

'I'm coming back. I don't care if I'm banned, I need you.'

I quickly replied with a simple red heart as Dean busted through the door.

"Frankly, I don't think Scarlett wants you around her anymore. You should give us some privacy." Dean announced.

Seth looked at me for help, but I just silently nodded. He stood and left with an attitude, the door slamming behind him.

I sighed with relief, "Thank you, Dean."

"Yeah, don't get too excited. We have a problem."

* * *




Till next time!

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