Chapter 20: Scoff

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Three days later

I have a meeting with Vince, Stephanie, and Hunter at WWE Headquarters, and my heart hasn't slowed down since they called me. I feel like they know about everything, and they're just meeting me so they can fire me in person.

Let's just hope that I'm being paranoid.

I walked through the front doors, past the secretary desk, and entered Vince's office. The three of them were waiting patiently, all in their respective chairs.

"We need to talk about scheduling." Vince announced as I took a seat across the table from him.

"How long am I out?"

"The doctor said definitely the rest of this year, possibly even a few months of next year. It all depends on how quickly you heal." Hunter answered.

"Well you know that I heal quickly. I honestly don't see myself missing more than this year." I replied confidently.

"Great. We'll start writing you back in around Royal Rumble time," Stephanie said as she typed away on an Apple laptop, "Now, there was an issue brought to our attention by one of our employees about the incident."

Fucking Randal.

"We were told that you had this planned out for quite some time. Is that true?" Vince asked sternly.

"Most definitely not. I would never purposefully kill somebody."

Hunter sighed, "See? I didn't doubt her for a minute. There was just no way."

I silently nodded, hoping this meeting was over with so I could go home and begin my recovery.

"That's all, Ms. Winters. You're free to go." Stephanie said as she stood and gently hugged me.

With a smile and overwhelming feeling of relief, I left the office.

* * *
(Scarlett's home in Detroit)

I returned home ten hours later, after a less than satisfying flight with screaming children and smelly guys. It was late afternoon, so I didn't expect much to be going on, but boy was I wrong.

There was a summer carnival right down the street from my house, meaning there were lines of cars up and down both sides of my street and millions of people everywhere. It just added to my already shitty day. Another thing, I was all alone tonight. I still don't know anyone in the area, and Dean went home to Cincinnati.

I called him as soon as I got inside safely, only to find that he was already half way to my house. I had no clue why, and he didn't say, so I just unpacked my suitcase and cleaned up while I waited for him to arrive.

Around six, I heard a car honking in my driveway. I ran out and found Dean's Plymouth Barracuda with moving boxes packed to the roof. The entire backseat was filled, along with a small box on the passenger seat.

"Dean, what the hell are you doing?"

"I sold my apartment. I came to live with you."

My jaw dropped. He can't be serious right now. Dean literally just up and left his hometown for me. I felt slightly happy, but mostly annoyed.

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