Chapter 4: Polly

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I wake up the next morning cuddled in Seth's arms. The loud snoring in my ear would have annoyed me had it not been from him. Anything this guy did was adorable to me.

He begins stirring around above me before fully waking up. "Hey, Scarlett." Seth says as he looks down at me, his fingers loosely curling my messy hair. "Good morning, Sethie."

He lightly laughs, "Sethie? Where'd that come from?"

"It's just a nickname. I thought it was pretty cute."

"It is. Just like you"

My smile grew wide as I locked my grey eyes with Seth's dark brown ones. His gaze travels to my lips as we slowly lean in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by the door flying open.

Our heads snap in the direction of the door in unison, only to see two very familiar faces. There stood Dean, wearing his usual glare, while Roman looked beyond pissed.

What was his problem? He was always happy, at least when I was around him. He scoffs before angrily leaving the room. "What's his problem?" I whisper to Seth. He shrugs while looking just as confused as me.

"Roman has a crush on you, dumbass." Dean bluntly comments from the doorway.

A feeling of sadness grows in my stomach. Poor Roman. I remove myself from Seth's bed and walk into the living room, making sure to bump Dean's shoulder on my way out.

I find Roman sitting on the couch, his face evident with anger. "Hey R-Roman" I say as I carefully sit on the couch next to him. Roman is absolutely terrifying when he's mad. Last thing I wanted to do was make it worse.

"So now you notice me?"

"I always have, Roman. I just don't have feelings for you."

His glare turns into a sad frown, making me regret my words. My eyes begin watering as I finally notice the signs. Him sticking up for me, his worry after our match last night.

"I am so sorry, Roman. Tell me how I can fix this."

"Never talk to me again." He harshly says as he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I stand to go after him, stopping once I hear Dean's voice from the doorway.

"Good job, Scar. Way to handle that situation." Dean says while slow clapping from the doorway.

"Shut the hell up, Ambrose! Just get out!" I yell at an amused Dean. He smirks before leaving after Roman.

Sighing, I sit down on the couch, putting my head in my hands. Who knew all of this drama would come from one freaking match?

I mean, I kind of knew these guys for 2 years. We never really talked until now; we never had a reason to. If Roman had a crush on me, all he had to do was make a move. How was I supposed to know otherwise?

"Are you ok?" Seth asks as he joins me ok the couch.

I look at him with a sad smile. "Not really. I just found out that 2 of my coworkers have a crush on me, and another one hates my guts for no reason whatsoever."

He smirks, "I never said I had a crush on you."

"Oh come on, Seth! It's so obvious. You called me cuddle bunny last night, you said I was cute today. I'm not even going to get started on yesterday!"

He chuckles as he raises his hands in defense. "I just can't help myself. It's not my fault you're so beautiful."

Damn, this kid knew how to make a girl smile! I never knew Seth could be so sweet. He was a keeper for sure.

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