Chapter 8: Lithium

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I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't keep my hands off of Seth, not even in the car. My hand found it's way to Seth's thighs and slowly worked it's way to his crotch, earning a soft moan from his lips. Dean and Roman gave us weird looks at the sudden exchange, but we just brushed it off.

I dragged Seth into the elevator after he grabbed our bags, our lips locking in a tight kiss. We didn't notice that Dean had joined us in the elevator until he deeply sighed.

"I'm pretty sure this is why we have separate rooms." Dean says, trying to focus on anything but Seth and I. Thankfully, the doors opened on our floor seconds later. Poor Dean, I wasn't sure how much longer he could take us.

Seth and I quickly walked to our room, my body shaking with excitement of what was coming in mere minutes. Seth tossed our bags on the couch before hoisting me up, my legs naturally wrapping around his waist.

"I've been waiting too long for this." Seth says, his voice shaky, before plunging into another deep kiss. Heaven knows how long I've been dreaming of this moment, and now it's finally coming true.

Could you say surreal?

Seth turns my attention back to him by reaching under my shirt and pulling it over my head in one quick sweep. I return the favor, slipping the slim fit RHCP shirt effortlessly off his toned body.

"Wow. So this is what Crossfit does to a man?" I mumble, my hands roaming the open canvas of muscle.

He faintly chuckles, a sly smirk on his lips. "Only for you, baby."

Our lips meet once again, this time with far more hunger and lust behind them. Soon enough, the rest of our clothing is off and we somehow make it to the bedroom.

Seth lays me down and gives me a quick kiss before slowly inserting himself inside me.

*(I'm not good with sex scenes, sorry!)*

The room was silent except for our heavy pants. I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead, smiling as Seth did the same.

"So, how was I?" Seth asks.

"Aw, is someone a little self conscious?"

He lightly chuckles. "No, I was just wondering if you had as much fun as I did."

"I definitely did. No doubt about it."

Seth smiles before planting a sweet, passionate kiss on my lips. He removes his naked body from the bed and ventures into the bathroom for a shower.

I grabbed my phone from the night stand, surprised to see a text and missed call from Dean.

I really need to talk to you. Meet me in my room ASAP. Don't tell anybody.

Shaking my head, I gather some of Seth's clean clothes and put them on, laughing at the obvious size difference. I writer a note for Seth, explaining that I had to visit Paige for something. Closing the door, I send Ambrose a text before getting on the elevator.

This better be important, asshole.

* * *

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask once again, still not believing Dean. He told me that he overheard a conversation between Seth and Hunter, something about betrayal and how it would benefit somebody in the long run.

"I swear to god. Seth is planning something. We have to stop him."

I deeply sigh, agitated that Dean insisted on me being here just for a stupid assumption. I knew Seth, and he would never betray his brothers just to get ahead. He wasn't like that.

"Dean, are you positive? Because I can't just go around accusing him of something like this without it being completely true."

He sighs, running a hand over his usually messy hair.

"I wouldn't make this shit up, Scar! I'm not just going to sit back and allow Seth to screw us over!" Dean yells, looking more pissed off than I've ever seen before.

Just as I was about to say something, the door swung open and Seth walked in, his face painted with disgust.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Seth questions Dean.

"Nothing important." Dean replies simply.

Dean seductively smirks at me from across the room, causing the anger to rise in Seth.

"This conversation is over." Seth growls as he grabs my arm and begins pulling me out of the room.

I feel a strong hand wrap around my other arm, stoping me in my tracks. Turning around, I see Dean with a disappointed look on his face.

"Let her go. She doesn't want to leave with you."

Seth snickers at Dean, amused at his sudden interest in me.

"He's right. Let me go Seth." I mutter under my breath.

Seth scoffs before releasing my arm. He leaves the room without saying another word, thankfully.

* * *

This chapter sucked. Sorry for taking forever! Don't hate me!




Till next time!

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