Chapter 12: Rape Me

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Broken nose, broken heart.

That's the only way I can accurately describe myself right now.

Seth never came back to check on me last night. He wouldn't even let me in our hotel room to retrieve my suitcase and purse. Thankfully, Roman and Dean were nice enough to let me room with them, but I couldn't sleep at all. I lied in bed with Roman and talked with him for hours. He'll never know just how thankful I am for that.

I came into work today with my head held high, despite all of the shit I was drowning in. I couldn't let Seth think that he was getting the best of me, even if he was. It was surprising how easy all of this was for me. I guess you get used to putting on a fake smile when you have to do it so often.

When we entered our locker room, Seth was already inside getting ready. Roman instantly pulled me behind him and shot daggers at Seth while Dean was struggling to contain his anger.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt your precious little Scarlett." Seth remarks as he sees how tense Roman and Dean are. "I have a right to be in here. It's our locker room."

"Not for long." Dean mutters.

Without putting much thought into it, I begin changing into tonight's outfit; Alice In Chains tee tucked into a knee length black skirt with my famous Doc Martens. The minute my shirt was off, Seth rushed over and covered me up with his shirt.

"Seth! What the hell?" I question, trying to get away from him.

"You can't just change in here! Why would it be okay for you to change in front of two other guys?"

I turn around and glance at Roman and Dean, who were busy getting ready and didn't care. They obviously heard us arguing but didn't get involved.

"Seth, they don't care! I mean seriously, I've been changing in here for months. Why would I change that now? All because it makes you upset? Well guess what? No one else is bothered by it, so you can deal with it."

Seth gives me a hard glare before returning to his side of the locker room.

* * *

Great, just fucking great.

Poor Dean had to defend his title tonight in a battle royal to start Raw. He was basically being set up to lose the very thing he worked so hard to get.

Believe me, I had an exchanging of words with Hunter about all of this, but he seemed more interested in my nose. Thinking that it would make sense, I told him that Paige and I got into a fight backstage last night. Surprisingly, he bought it.

It was hard telling Dean the news. He showed sadness both emotionally and physically. Slumped shoulders, sulking. I thought he was just really pissed off but I could tell that it was sadness. You see, Dean has this thing about him. He hides his true feelings, even from close friends like Roman, to save himself the pity. Could you imagine big bad Dean Ambrose walking around crying because he's about to lose his title? I didn't think so.

How do I know this? Unfortunately, I have more than enough experience in doing the same thing.

That doesn't matter right now. The only thing I should be thinking about is Seth and trying to understand his sudden attitude change towards me. Was it something that I did? I know that he's putting nearly everything on me, but did I really step out of line? Do I honestly deserve this from him?

"I'm worried, Scarlett. I don't think he can handle loosing his title." Roman says as we wait ringside.

"I did everything I possibly can, Roman. Hunter is doing this just to piss you guys off even more."

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