Chapter 5: Come As You Are

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"Hey, what's that?" Seth asks as he joins me on the balcony.

Shit. What was I supposed to say? Seth seemed like too much of a goody two shoes for the truth. He'd rat me out the first chance he got.

"Awe dude. I've been wanting this all day." Seth says before taking the joint from my hand and inhaling it.

Well this is not what I was expecting. Who would've thought that Seth had a rebellious side? "You smoke?"

He laughs, allowing the smoke to escape from his perfect lips. "It's one hell of a stress reliever."

"Got that right." I say, taking the joint back and inhaling.

* * *

(2 hours later)

"No no no! Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy!"

"Yes he did! Who else would have done it? Santa Claus?"

Seth and I broke into a fit of laughter. Man, this guy had jokes for days!

I lazily stand from the couch and walk into the kitchen before rummaging through the fridge for food. When's the last time I ate?

"And I don't ever wanna feel..."

My favorite song, "Under The Bridge", suddenly comes to mind and I begin singing it aimlessly. Finally, I find some leftover pasta and pop it in the microwave.

"Take me to the place I love, take me all the way." I sing while waiting for my food.

After a minute or so, I grab the hot plate from the microwave and turn around, only to be met with Seth.

"My god, Seth!" I yell as I drop my food.

I looked at my plate of pasta scattered across the counter, my face saddening. I really wanted some food!

"S-Sorry, babe. Didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to hear you sing."

Sighing, I begin cleaning up the delicious mess. What a shame, what a shame. Couldn't blame him though. I was a pretty good singer.

"It's alright, Sethie. What do want me to sing?" I ask, hopping on the counter across from him.

"What are good at?"

"Mainly the classics. Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Lennon-"

"John Lennon. Imagine." Seth interrupts.

"You got it."

(Listen to it off to the side)

After I finished, Seth looked surprised. "Wow, just, wow. You are really good."


It looked like he wanted to talk for hours, but after letting out a loud yawn, I knew Seth was just as tired as I was.

We ended up cuddling on the couch, falling asleep in seconds.

* * *

"You guys did it, didn't you? I knew it, I fucking knew it!"

Roman's loud screaming woke me up from my deep sleep. I sit up and see Roman looking even more furious than yesterday. Oh boy.

"What's the problem, Roman?"

"You're my problem. Who do you think you are, sleeping with him?

And in that moment, I literally face palmed. He could not be serious right now. Seth and I didn't even look like we did it! We both still had our clothes on!

"Roman, can you please just, calm down."

He scoffs, "Calm down? You want me to calm down?!"

I shudder as his voice gets louder and louder.

Looks Can Be Deceiving (Seth Rollins)Where stories live. Discover now