Chapter 19: Negative Creep

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"What do you mean we have a problem?" I asked, sitting up.

"Randy. He's on to us." Dean answered as he paced next to my bed.

"Do you have evidence?"

"Who has been there every single time we've talked, or even been near each other? Randy. Who is Seth's right hand, and has all of the power in the world to expose us? Randy."

I sighed, falling back into the hard bed. None of my plans ever work out, I swear. There's always this person or that person threatening to ruin everything. This is what I get for being a terrible human being.

"Just don't worry about it right now, Dean. Focus on helping me recover and getting Seth and I apart."

Dean nodded, taking a seat next to my bed. He propped his legs up, and we talked for hours until I fell asleep.

* * *

I woke the next morning to find The Authority, in its entirety, standing in my room. Seth and Stephanie seemed to be discussing something important over by the door, Kane and Hunter were sipping coffee at the foot of my bed, and the other members were scattered.

"Good morning, everyone." I softly said around a yawn.

Seth rushed over, took my hand in his, and sat to the right of my bed. His expression told me that he had received anything but good news.

"I have something important to tell you," Seth said, quickly glancing back at Stephanie, who gave a quick nod of encouragement, "I'm not allowed to take time off."

"Good. I wasn't going to allow it anyhow; you'll go nuts if you sit around and think about it all day."


"No buts, Seth!" I yelled.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the room as everyone stared at me. I asked them all to leave, including Seth, and they did. I was left all by myself, which proved to be a mistake.

I weakly stood from the bed and walked to the bathroom, my arm holding onto my IV machine for dear life. My bladder was so full that it began to hurt my stomach. It was clear that I hadn't relieved myself in quite some time.

I slowly opened the bathroom door after I finished, only to find myself not alone. Randy had taken it upon himself to enter my room, sit on my bed, and try to go through my phone.

"What the hell, Randal?!" I shrieked, shocked to find him.

"Keep your voice down."

"Why are you in here? I kicked everyone out."

Randy put my phone down and smirked. He stood and walked over to me, his body getting closer and closer until I was backed against the wall.

"I know what you and Ambrose are up to. I knew all about this little plan, long before either of you thought I did. Now, you're going to be out for awhile, so you get a little break from me. But when you get back, I swear, I will make your life a living hell for what you've done." Randy said, his mouth hovering above my ear.

I shivered as his breath tickled my neck. Randy pulled away, his signature smirk still on his face, and left the room without another sound.

I removed myself from the wall and returned to bed. My phone was buzzing like crazy, and the only name flashing across the screen was Dean, telling me that it was something serious.

My phone was unlocked when I first grabbed it, but I was certain that I had locked it before going to the bathroom. I scrolled to the top of my messages with Dean and found something that Randy had sent.

Hey Dean. This is Randy. I know everything, and I plan to ruin not only your life, but Scarlett's as well. You two are the lowest, most disrespectful people on the planet and you deserve everything that's coming to you.

I gasped. Fucking Randy hacked my phone somehow. Dean sent multiple texts directed towards Randy, many of them saying the same thing. Dean was not about to put both of us in danger. He would take the entire blame in a heartbeat if it meant saving me.

I hit the nurse button on my bed and waited for one to arrive. About 5 minutes later, a short blonde haired woman walked in and frantically asked what was wrong.

"I need to go home."

* * *

(Dean's POV)

I watched with a smile as Scarlett waddled into my room. She threw her bag on the couch before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing me. We fit so well together. Just our kisses are magical, I can't imagine how great the sex will be.

"I missed you. I missed your smell, your body, your smile. Everything," I said into Scarlett's flaming red hair as we hugged.

She giggled, "Damn, it's been a day. Chill out."

Scarlett pulled away and sat on the couch. Her small hand clicked away on the remote as she tried to find something good to watch. Her attention was fixated on a newscast talking about what happened.

"... Professional wrestler Scarlett, real name Scarlett Winters, suffered a miscarriage on live television last night during a Pay Per View event for wrestling company WWE. She took a vicious maneuver from Dean Ambrose, another top wrestler in the company, during the main event of the Pay Per View titled Money In The Bank. Sources close to Ms. Winters told us that she planned the attack in the weeks before the event. More on this story when we return."

My mood instantly saddened once I saw Scarlett's face. It was like she had just watched an execution. Her mouth was slightly open and silent tears ran down her cheeks.

"Scarlett, you shouldn't be watching this." I said before turning off the TV.

"Dean... What are we gonna do? Randy is clearly the inside source. He's going to tell the world what we did." Scarlett said before breaking down completely.

I kneeled infront of her and held her head in my hands. She eyed me through her tears, her usually clear grey pupils looking cloudy. I planted a small, quick kiss on her lips before resting my forehead against hers.

"I'm so scared, Dean. I can't go to jail."

My eyes snapped open and I once again brought her face to eye level.

"Listen to me. You will never be in jail for my mistakes. This entire thing falls on me. If I have to, I'll tell them that I was jealous of you and Seth, and I wanted to damage your relationship with him. I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn't fall on you. I love you, Scarlett."

Scarlett weakly smiled before bringing me in for a passionate kiss. I lied her back on the couch and mounted her small frame. Her hands roamed all over my back and briefly my ass.

This just feels... right, you know? I've always felt that we were two halves of the same heart, but now I know it for sure. I just need to get Seth and Randy out of the way so we can be together without problems.

Luckily, I had an anything but legal plan to rid us of our issues.

* * *

Second to last chapter!!!




Till next time!

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