Chapter 17: Something In The Way

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Life this past week hasn't exactly been easy. Roman won't speak to me, hell, even acknowledge me. Seth's antics haven't stopped. Dean has forgiven me, given that he understands I had absolutely no other choice.

The Authority hasn't been too bad, honestly. I don't really have to do anything; I just hang out with Seth or Randy backstage and follow them out to the ring for matches. Things aren't as stressful. I enjoy it, but I know it won't last.

Hiding my bump is getting harder and harder as it grows. I'm only two months along, yet my stomach is growing like I'm ready to pop any day now. Good news is Dean and I have developed a plan that will get rid of the baby, get me away from Seth, and allow us both to keep our jobs.

Seth was set to face Dean at Money At The Bank, thanks to me changing a few things. He actually had two matches in one night; one for the briefcase, the other a singles against Dean. I had to escort him to his second match, also the main event, meaning that Dean and I could set our plan in place.

It was pretty brutal, but it was the only way.

I sat backstage silently, my thumbs rapidly scrolling through my Twitter feed. These fans are really starting to annoy me, acting like they know the business better than we do. They're so quick to complain and demand things, but they don't want to be patient and see what Creative already has planned unfold.

"Can you at least try and act like you wanna be here?" Seth said as he stretched out his legs.

I rolled my eyes, "You're winning anyways. Does it really fucking matter if I'm happy about it or not?"

Seth sighed, walking over to me and crouching down in front of my face, "Look, I know this really sucks for you or whatever, but I just need you to make the best of it. If Hunter or Stephanie see you like this, they're going to think something's up. Please, Scar, for the sake of my career, lighten up."

I scoffed, "The sake of your career? What about Dean and Roman's? Did you ever think about them while planning this whole thing out?"

Seth sighed, "Yes, of course I did. That's when I realized that I had the most potential, the greatest star quality, and the highest chance of actually becoming something."

I rolled my eyes as Seth continued to prove his point.

"Dean has the experience, but he's been playing the psychotic, unhinged character for his entire wrestling career. That gets boring after awhile, especially since everyone has seen it. And Roman, well he just doesn't have 'it'. Yes, he has blood in the business, but the talent clearly didn't transfer to him. He's shit on the mic, his moves are repetitive, and he just doesn't seem passionate about this company at all."

I smirked, "You don't understand how happy that makes me. I'm glad you just said all of that."

Seth raised an eyebrow, but decided not to ask.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some food. Be right back." I said before standing from the crate.

A buzz from my phone made me stop. I pulled it out and saw a text from Dean, instantly putting a smile on my face.

Meet me in catering. I'll be there in five.

I returned my phone to my back pocket and continued on my way. How cute was our timing? It's like Dean just knew that I was already going to catering.

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