Chapter 6: Been a Son

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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the butterflies in my stomach. You would think that I'd be used to this by now, but I'm not. I mean, this is WrestleMania. The grandest stage of them all. How lucky was I to be here for the third time in a row? Most people never get the chance to experience this like I have.

This was only The Shield's second WrestleMania and they were more calm than me! Dean was doing his usual fingertip push-ups while glaring at me, Roman was deep in thought as he listened to music, and Seth and I were busy talking to Daniel Bryan, who had just beat Hunter in a brutal match.

"You did great out there." Seth says.

"Thanks. I definitely need some healing time before the main event. I'm pretty sure he hurt my shoulder again."

Brie begins rubbing Daniel's injured shoulder, a look of concern on her face.

"Scarlett! Scarlett!" Seth shouts, snapping me back into reality. I had been staring at the floor, my arms shaking in worry, completely zoned out from the world.

"You alright? We have to go out soon."

"Y-Yeah. Just a little nervous I guess."

Seth pulls me into a hug, putting all thought out of my mind.

"You guys can do that later. We have a match to go to." Dean says before pushing past us and heading to the stairs. I have to find out what his problem is one of these days.

* * *

I couldn't help but smile as we returned backstage. The Shield, the three greatest talents in this business today, just went out there and dominated that match without breaking a sweat. With me on their side, screaming, cheering, and reacting like Paul Heyman, I'm honestly surprised they were able to concentrate.

Taking a deep breath, I finally take everything in. This is amazing. The crowd was still going nuts, my boys reeked of satisfaction and joy. Thanks to these guys, I had another great WrestleMania moment that I would never forget.

And yes, even thanks to Dean.

* * *

Basically the entire roster was watching The Undertaker's match backstage. I was hoping that Brock wouldn't win; we all knew he didn't deserve such an honor. Plus, he was an arrogant asshole who cared about nothing besides himself.

"If that jackass wins, I'm getting a tattoo." I say to Seth, who looked at me shocked. Why not make things more interesting with a bet? I already have a tattoo anyways, so getting another wouldn't be too bad.

"You're on." We shake hands as the match takes a dramatic turn. Suddenly, Brock had Taker on his shoulders and hit an F5. And another one. And another one.

Brock covered a damaged Undertaker and got the three count. My heart stopped. Wait, what? No, no, no. This can't be real. There's no way Brock just won. The streak is over? The entire arena was silent except for Heyman's annoying, squeaky voice congratulating Lesnar over and over again. My fear is confirmed when the screen flashes "21-1" and Lesnar's music hits.

I feel like a part of history has just been rewritten, or forgotten for that matter. I never thought this day would come, especially not from Brock. Don't get me wrong, he's great in the ring, but he wasn't right for this.

I angrily stand and shove my way through the roster to the locker room. I just needed to get away from everyone, I just needed to be alone. Slamming the door behind me, I collapse to the ground as tears cloud my vision. It wasn't the streak ending that made me like this, it was Brock.

You see, Brock and I used to be a thing. I know, I know. How could you date someone like him? You two are polar opposites! Blah blah blah. I realized about 2 months into the relationship that I had made a huge mistake, but Brock refused to let me leave. He kept me around for some 9 months, just to aggravate me even more.

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