Chapter 16: Dumb

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Tonight was the night. Seth and I were turning on Roman and Dean. Honestly, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever because we just had an amazing win last night. But Hunter knows what he's doing I guess.

I waited backstage with Randy and Hunter, both of them still dressed in their Evolution suits. I was instructed to wear something "business casual" to match them, but I had no idea what that meant, so I showed up wearing what I considered appropriate.

"I'm actually kind of glad you walked in on us. The Authority can get you places around here, and you clearly need the help. Your little Shield buddies sure as hell aren't getting you anywhere." Randy chuckled as he stood next to me, his six foot five frame towering over me.

"I'll have you know that your little family you got here assigned me to The Shield. I wouldn't be their manager if it wasn't for them. So no, The Authority can not get me places. Go sell that bullshit to someone else." I replied strongly, waving him away.

Randy's hand grabbed my wrist, his venom filled eyes staring into my soul.

"If I were you, I'd consider treating me with a little respect. Wouldn't want everyone to know about your precious little baby, now would we?"

I yanked my wrist out of his grip, my head tilting upwards so I could look him in the eye.

"And if I were you, I would shut my fucking mouth. You don't know jack shit about me or what's going on in my life, so stop acting like you do."

Thankfully, Hunter intervened before it could go any farther. I straightened my blazer and pushed my hair from my shoulders, staring straight ahead as Evolution's theme blared throughout the arena.

Hunter lead the way, followed by me, and Randy brought up the rear with a sight I'm sure he enjoyed. I ignored my thoughts about Randy and instead focused on Dean and Roman's hurt expressions. They had no idea of course, but Seth did and he made no effort to fake shock.

"Like I said, there's always a plan B." Hunter said, holding his famous sledgehammer on his shoulder.

Everyone thought it was me until Seth attacked Roman with the chair. Everyone gasped, and God knows I wanted to, but I obviously couldn't. I had to stand there and watch with a fake smirk on my face, like I was actually enjoying this.

Seth left the ring after he was done, shook Hunter' hand, and kissed me. The three men entered the ring and attacked Roman and Dean while I observed from ringside and pretended to care. Honestly, I couldn't give two fucks about this. I'm completely against it and I already know what is happening; there's no reason to watch.

Once they were finally done, Randy, Hunter, and Seth joined me on the ramp. We glanced back at the wreckage in the ring as the show went off the air. A cameraman gave Hunter the cue, and his acting, along with mine, dropped in seconds.

"Okay, great job guys. Scarlett, you did amazing! I almost believed you." Hunter said, smirking.

"Can I check on them? Please?" I begged, holding back my tears.

Seth shook his head as he rolled his eyes. I ignored him and paid attention to what was actually important; helping Dean and Roman.

"I guess so. Just make it quick, we have business to attend to."

I rushed down to the ring and kneeled beside Dean, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"D-Dean. Dean, listen to me. I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so, sorry. I didn't have a choice. Please don't hate me, Dean. You're all I have left." I cried into his shoulder as he lied there motionless.

I looked around at the confused fans and decided to finally say what's been on my mind.

"I love you, Dean."

* * *




Till next time!

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